Hey! So I also have a friend who is bipolar, and sometimes I wish I could do more to help him when he gets super depressed. Do you have any advice how to deal with that? Sorry, I know this isn't an advice website, but any suggestions would be appreciated. :)
When my friend gets her downs, mostly I drag her into the living room, make a pillows and matrasses fort and we go to the grocerystore and buy lots of food she likes and just let her talk. People who are bipolar need to talk, dont force them into it but they really need a supporting person for them, even when theyre wrong. Also, whwn they get a mood, its because something is triggering it, find the trigger and remove/lessen it. in her case its family who arent supporting her and fight. Fights are the trigger with her then. what is it that makes him really depressed? If its nothing then you can distract him with fun easier :)
sorry for long post xP
Thanks! :) I've been trying to talk to him, it seems that a kid he goes to school with always teases him and sets him off. I've tried talking to the mean kid, but he just won't stop, every though he knows he is hurting my friend. I'm basically the only one there for him, his parents aren't extremely supportive. I guess I will just continue to offer support the best I can.
my friend is superstubborn too, and when she is in an off-mood she just says a lot of painful things and sometimes I dont know if I should ignore it or not
offering advice to her is like giving advice to a rock. It just wont budge, she tells me I was right afterwards and then doesnt listen again. She inflicts mental pains on herself and makes things much worse than they actually are. BP people are one of the most complicated things ever and helping them is like disarming a bomb, be careful :)
sorry for long post xP
offering advice to her is like giving advice to a rock. It just wont budge, she tells me I was right afterwards and then doesnt listen again. She inflicts mental pains on herself and makes things much worse than they actually are. BP people are one of the most complicated things ever and helping them is like disarming a bomb, be careful :)