There is no maze in existence, or could there be, in which there is a separated array of walls having the entrance and exit on opposing sides while still being solvable. If it's a solvable maze, sticking to the right (or left) wall will eventually work.
· 10 years ago
No opossite sides. The exit or entrance, or both, can be in the middle of it, or wherever it may be that is not on the sides.
People keep trying to tell you. This will work for every maze in the world. You just don't get it. I'm sorry. Good news is you are probably attractive physically.
Let me add, that shifting mazes are a thing.
AND, the "right hand rule" it's just a variation of the algorithm so you wont have to remember the path. A computer COULD find an exit by bruteforcing, you couldn't.
I think I am finally seeing what darkanhell is saying. If you had a ring surrounding the the exit with one entrance in, while the ring itself is not connected to the exit by any walls, you would end up walking around that ring in circles endlessly, never going deeper into the maze.
Sorry bout that bro, I didn't understand what you were talking about
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
That's pretty much it, yeah. No problem man, I may have expressed myself poorly :)
While I do enjoy a good debate, I will admit I'm ashamed of how I said that first bit, about there being no possible way it would work. I usually make my argument respectfully, but I couldn't see how you were right and my remark came off as condescending. I apologize for that, and I thank you for being such a cool and understanding person
Daedalus's. If the pictures on google are what you mean I think it would, I traced it with my finger, but maybe I did it wrong. Besides it looks like there's only one path and that one path leads out.
Wouldn't work.
Any maze containing loops on it's resolution will defeat this algorithm in real life, since you can't remember where have you been and where you have not.
Sorry to be this rude, but silence is better than bullshit.
Good news is you are probably attractive physically.
AND, the "right hand rule" it's just a variation of the algorithm so you wont have to remember the path. A computer COULD find an exit by bruteforcing, you couldn't.
Sorry bout that bro, I didn't understand what you were talking about
Not like grumpus :p