I found this on tumblr. The last comment speaks massively. Think before you accuse.
10 years ago by imdeadwannahookup · 2620 Likes · 12 comments · Popular
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· 10 years ago
Idk if this is the case here but hopefully they didn't stop him JUST because he was black. I hope there was more to the description than "BLACK MALE" otherwise people will end up using the race card
· 10 years ago
Right, cause if it's just a black male I have some bad news for police. ( cause there's are probably hundreds of black males in each city, so how are they going to figure out who it was ? )
· 10 years ago
I think the point they're trying to make is that if the description is of a black male, 6ft wearing say a red jumper and black jeans and this guy fits that description then of course they're going to stop him over his 6ft White friend wearing matching clothes. In which case it isn't racism it's common sense
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
BUT. I think we're forgetting that the officer was holding him at gunpoint. I understand why the officer stopped him, but seeing as how cops are trained to only take their gun out if intending to kill, that's a whole new thing.
· 10 years ago
Well actually not since the situation was about a burglary in which roughly 90% of the time means the presence of some concealed weapon and most of the time if a person was involved in said activity they anticipate a confrontation with police and therefore are more likely to conceal carry a weapon, race has nothing to do with it, a white criminal is just as apt to have and pull a gun as a black criminal. Plus it's standard practice for a cop to pull their gun if the suspect in question was possibly involved in a violent crime regardless of skin color.
· 10 years ago
The suspect was a black man, the person stopped was a black man, and, yes, the police officer also was a black man. I'll give Blow the benefit of the doubt in that he didn't realize this when his son talked to him about it, as opposed to purposefully hiding that fact because it didn't fit the narrative. However, as a journalist he should have known better than to have spout off without investigating the facts just a little bit. (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/n.y.-times-charles-blow-said-nothing-about-cop-who-arrested-his-son-being-black/article/2559374).
· 10 years ago
I hate that black people try to ,ake all white people racist devils. For no damned reason. Its racist against white people. But if you say something is racist against white.people.then people call you stupid and say it doesn't exist
· 10 years ago
Exactly. This is something so profound, yet gets little to no attention. Yes, racism is a problem. But no, racism does not mean "hating on black people!" You can be racist to people of any skin color and it's still racism all the same.
· 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
The issue was that this man was held at gunpoint for no reason.
· 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Dude, the second female officer already made a statement in which she said she had been unaware of any robbery suspect black or white in that area on that night. There was no "suspect" you idiot.