

Just a farmer who needs a laugh!

— whospikedthepunch Report User
I really wish stupid hurt 28 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Even the older systems were not all bad but 99% of systems had to be upgraded after 2001 to meet new sanitation regulations and most get upgraded every couple years anyway because parts wear out and they get to the point that's its just more economical to replace the whole unit. But yeah not milking a cow can eventually kill them.
Full image of the tank man 12 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Don't mind the guest, he mixed up his hemorrhoid cream with muscle rub.
Cant tell you how many times i went without 36 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Sorry it's getting harder to stay awake let alone stare at my phone, I'm sorry guys I should have kept my mouth shut about this, its my issue and I don't want to stress anyone else with it.
Cant tell you how many times i went without 36 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
I'm not religious in so many words, I have beliefs I just don't adhere to any specific sect, for instance I don't believe going to church does anything for you as your time with whatever name your supreme spirit goes by should be spent in quiet reflection either alone or with family (alone in my case) a church is just a building built by man and thus flawed like all humans. Its difficult to actually describe.
Cant tell you how many times i went without 36 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
A particularly nasty brain cancer called Glioblastoma, its pretty much gotten me bed ridden at this point since its screwing with everything. Its ok though I don't have a family so not gonna burden anybody when I'm gone just gonna fade away in a few more weeks I'm already asleep more than awake.
Cant tell you how many times i went without 36 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
A someone with cancer right now, that chose hospice because it's the cheapest option (not that treatments would help in my case since mine is not curable) insurance is pathetic but would be useful if it actually covered anything. In my case as soon as it was reported what I had I received a termination notice at my house before I was even released from the hospital they covered my biopsy and other charges though so there is that.
For the poor Apple fanboys 4 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Or you could spend your money on something useful, like a car, or a life!
Maybe the baby is going to be a toxic person 2 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Maybe it's a spawn, in that case have fun.
They should bring these back 8 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
They were transformers, the fries were a dog that's all I remember.
How do you pronounced "DOGE?" 15 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Annoying af
I would do it 22 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Yes please!
Deep shit 16 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Unless you have no family to feel any sense of loss.
Accurate AF 13 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
That's pretty much me completely right now.
A tea for whatever ails you 7 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
What would yours say? 59 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Make me mad and get a jug full of pee chucked at your head!
Least she was short and to the point on this statement 9 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
My dying wish is for her NOT TO GET INTO THE WHITE HOUSE, please internet let me rest in peace knowing she is rotting in a federal penitentiary, instead of literally screwing this country with a dildo covered in rusty barbed wire and razor blades!
Stay strong my friends!! 16 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Ah I'm ok with it my life has sucked but I've had a decent one, at least I have at least two good weeks to make sure all my animals get decent homes and since a friend/ neighbor has already been taking care of them for me while I've been laying on my a** and he has a good farm local he can take most of them for me, plus he actually has family and staff I don't so he can easily absorb the remainder of my cows and chickens into his own groups as far as my property well he can have it too I'm not gonna need it. In my beliefs death isn't an end its just the beginning of another journey, my only regret is my parents out living me, and its not because we're a happy family or anything like that, I really wanted to take a huge taco bell dump on their graves!
Stay strong my friends!! 16 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Yeah, been a little busy talking to counselors most of the day. My biopsy results are kind of shitty, in short I have an incurable brain cancer with a best case scenario of 6 to 9 months if I get blasted with high doses of radiation 3x a week and chemotherapy every other day, frankly at this point I'd rather shoot myself in the head than deal with all that mess! Since I have no real family and no reason to give two craps I've decided to forgo treatment and shorten things as much as possible they figure three weeks before I go comatose and one week after that before I'm done. So tomorrow they are sending me home on hospice care to wait for the end. Sorry for the shit news guys.
Car scratch 6 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
That's when you key the side of their head with a crowbar or other suitably durable object!
Stay strong my friends!! 16 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Had surgery recently but they couldn't get much more than a small biopsy sample, haven't gotten the results yet and still stuck in the hospital because I've started having seizures and difficulties staying awake. They do suspect it's cancer because it has tendrils growing from it. They think the reason I fell off the ladder and broke my arm before this was diagnosed was because of a small seizure.
Stay strong my friends!! 16 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Hell I'm getting defeated by something about the size of a freaking ping pong ball near my frontal lobe, superman is shit!
I think its a great idea 38 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
I did see it, I know a few rural schools that do this, it should be everywhere though it doesn't take much more than a few inches of soil and a couple minutes a day to care for.
Haha 14 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
I'm ok, still not back to myself from surgery, they were able to get 70% of a 3 inch tumor. Still waiting on the biopsy but they are pretty sure it isn't benign, worse part is 12 staples in my scalp and a massive freaking headache! I won't be on much for a few more days but I'll check in when I'm awake and can see straight enough. Thanks for wondering about me. Maybe I'll break my rules about my internet presence and post a gross selfie when I feel a little better.
I really can't see anything for such a long time, is it normal? I' 32 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
Hypertension, I used to get like that until I was put on controller meds.
Haha 14 comments
whospikedthepunch · 8 years ago
I'm far from strong, believe me, I've done nothing but cry since I was diagnosed, I come on here to lift my shattered spirit. They want to do surgery/biopsy next week but they say it's far too big to get it all without killing me outright and I really don't want to deal with chemotherapy or radiation. Times like this I wish I was on better terms with my parents or preferably still had my grandpa around.