Tony's chocolonely chocolate, yeah thats a good quality bar of chocolate for lonely people, expensive as fuck but hey, single people tend to have more money
You're kidding, right?
I'll translate it for you since you probably don't speak dutch;
Wij vonden het maar raar dat alle chocoladerepen verdeeld zijn in gelijke stukjes, terwijl het er in de cacao-wereld helemaal niet zo eerlijk aan toe gaat! Met de oneerlijke verdeling van onze 180 grams repen willen we alle chocofans op smakelijke wijze duidelijk maken dat de inkomsten in de chocoladewereld ongelijk verdeeld zijn.
We thought it was odd that the pieces of the chocolate bars are devided in even pieces, while the bussiness in the cacao-world is not even or fair at all. With our uneven 180 gram division, we would like to let chocolatefans know that the incomes of the cacao-world are divided unequally.
Okay. Sorry that I was unaware of the economic message from a foreign chocolate company that I don't speak the language of. But I log onto FS to look for humorous bits, not to engage in economical forums. If that's what you wish to do, so be it. I'll just scroll to the next post.
Just because I don't keep up with the economical dilemmas of foreign corporations doesn't mean that I'm trying to be an ass. I simply don't care about some dilemmas that don't directly affect me. If that makes me an ass, so be it. At least I accept the label you decide to put on me without knowing anything about me.
''At least I accept the label you decide to put on me without knowing anything about me.'' ''Try trolling about economic divisions on another site!'' Didn't you just do the exact same thing in your previous comment? You did not know anything about the topic, yet you still put a label or ''trolling'' on me. So like I said, do your research next time.
I'll translate it for you since you probably don't speak dutch;
Wij vonden het maar raar dat alle chocoladerepen verdeeld zijn in gelijke stukjes, terwijl het er in de cacao-wereld helemaal niet zo eerlijk aan toe gaat! Met de oneerlijke verdeling van onze 180 grams repen willen we alle chocofans op smakelijke wijze duidelijk maken dat de inkomsten in de chocoladewereld ongelijk verdeeld zijn.
We thought it was odd that the pieces of the chocolate bars are devided in even pieces, while the bussiness in the cacao-world is not even or fair at all. With our uneven 180 gram division, we would like to let chocolatefans know that the incomes of the cacao-world are divided unequally.