There are seatbelt laws, why not vaccine laws?
10 years ago by planke · 2277 Likes · 5 comments · Popular
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· 10 years ago
From what I'be read only the Dutch Reformed Church has made a stance deterring members from vaccination so claiming it's against your religion doesn't suffice because no church/ religion has made a stand against it except the one listed above.
· 10 years ago
Amish? Jehovah's Witness? Or is that transfusions?
· 10 years ago
Amish: One of the enduring myths of the vaccine deniers is that Amish communities do not get vaccinated. However, there is no prohibition against vaccines by the Amish church, and vaccination rates vary between different communities. And leaders of communities that get hit by a vaccine preventable disease outbreak are more often accepting of immunization.
· 10 years ago
Jehovahs Witnesses: This church has instructed its adherents to refuse transfusions of whole blood and the use of certain blood components, such as red blood cells, plasma, and other components–they consider the use of blood to be a violation of the law of their god. During the 1920’s through 40’s, the church was opposed to vaccination based on their doctrine about human blood. However, by the early 1950’s, the church took a neutral stance about vaccinations until the 1990’s when began to acknowledge the clinical value of vaccinations. They seem to strongly endorse the importance of hepatitis vaccinations.
· 10 years ago
Just the prius driving whole foods crowd naturally selecting themselves out of the gene pool.