And so bless the entire population of funsubstance
10 years ago by angie · 661 Likes · 5 comments · Trending
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· 10 years ago
I think you're referring to tumblr
· 10 years ago
Unless you're weird with no artistical talents.
· 10 years ago
Why does everyone need these "inspirational" quotes to make them feel accepted or something. There are millions of trades to choose from and if your path hasn't been thought of yet, then find a way to do it. It's not that hard to see the differences in every single person on earth, making us all cool in our own interests and talents. If you think of yourself as nonconforming to a norm, but lump yourself in a group as "weird because I do _____," you'll never open your eyes wide enough to see that in reality, every single person on earth does something someone would see as weird and then place them in another "weird group." Just accept your interests without the need to label them all.
· 10 years ago
God bless you sir, you speak the truth when others simply lay down rather than fight.
· 10 years ago
It almost looks like the rabbit's holding a gun.