That's pretty much what canons are yeah. Not sure about the not having a life part though.
· 10 years ago
You mean fanon? Canon is an official part of the story.
· 10 years ago
Why are people down voting me? This doesn't make sense to me. Why not write your own stories rather than elaborate on ones already written by someone else
Different reasons. Sometimes it's because you want to expand on the backstory of a supporting character that piqued your interest. Or maybe you want to read an ending where everyone lives happily ever after (or one where no one does). And sometimes you just want two enemies to have wild monkey sex in the broom cupboard.
P.S. Sorry you got down voted. Fangirls/boys can be pretty touchy about their fandoms (read: bitchy).
Imagination, no matter where it comes from. Sometimes you can be even more creative developing a new story from an old one, by trying to twist it to your preferences and analysing various little details. Who are you to say where inspiration can come from?
P.S. Sorry you got down voted. Fangirls/boys can be pretty touchy about their fandoms (read: bitchy).