Actually, It's the right of the person who owns the property to put spikes. Perhaps a better idea would be to provide jobs for the homeless people if at all possible.
If there are spikes, there won't be any homeless people around so there is really no use leaving a cot/food. Also, because those spikes are most likely on private property, you could get charged with littering/tresspassing by leaving cots/food.
Your heart's in the right place, but things like volunteering at soup kitchens will help more people. See if your school/place of worship has anything on their bulletin board for volunteer work :)
It'll get hate, but do any of you know what it's like to personally deal with these transients? They use the area as a restroom in places of business and loiter. Along with asking MY customers and employees for money. Help is readily available everywhere, yet they spend what money a poor sap has given them on alcohol. I don't feel safe at my own workplace. They don't want help.
I understand what you're saying, but one thing many people don't consider is how they became alcoholics or why they're homeless. Sometimes the only way they feel they can ease the suffering is by drinking. I can tell you that the majority of homeless people do want help but maybe some don't want to feel pitied.
why don't you just invite the homeless folks to sleep on YOUR front steps? Because as an employee of a business that does have a few home less who live in back of the business I can tell you they break Into our cars quite regularly, steal things from our front public patio and leave piles if needles in back. Needless to say, it makes me feel unsafe. But if it's too harsh, like I said, please invite them sleep outside your home.
Listen, it's just a goddamn idea to make the world a better place. Even if I don't have the time/money/resources to do this, I put this post on FS to reach out to people to see if they'd wanna try. Don't tell me what to do, man.
Your heart's in the right place, but things like volunteering at soup kitchens will help more people. See if your school/place of worship has anything on their bulletin board for volunteer work :)