I know that people should learn to take care of their bodies to be healthier, but I honestly think it's sad that anyone could like this comment degrading someone who is confident about themselves, something that a lot of people can't do because of bullies.
· 10 years ago
i understand where you're getting at guest but that's a little rude, don't you think?
I think if she's healthy it's ok to be that weight but I do not prefer that weight but an athletic build and she can wear what she wants but I like leaving some things to the imagination.
It doesn't matter what her body type is, or what she thinks about it. What does matter is that she can still be arrested and have multiple charges filed against her:
• Willfull obstruction of traffic.
• Demonstration without a permit.
• Causing a public disturbance.
• Indecent exposure... this could be a serious charge if this took place in a school zone.
There are ways to speak out, protest and be an advocate for social change, but this isn't it. This is intended to shock and offend... and yet will still end up being a media shit storm and a mire of court proceedings.
• Willfull obstruction of traffic.
• Demonstration without a permit.
• Causing a public disturbance.
• Indecent exposure... this could be a serious charge if this took place in a school zone.
There are ways to speak out, protest and be an advocate for social change, but this isn't it. This is intended to shock and offend... and yet will still end up being a media shit storm and a mire of court proceedings.
>Police arrest you
>Why did you run her over?
>I wasn't looking