In Douglas Adams book "Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy", a group of people ask an all-knowing computer what is the meaning of life. The computer simply replies, "42".
The meaning of life according to google, is 42. The number for each letter in the word math is 13, 1, 20, and 8. Add them together, and you get the number 42.
The computer, Deep Thought, that took God knows how many years to build, and then they needed to *SPOILERS* find the question xD
They are excellent books, aren't they
The original radio show is brilliant. I've only read the first book but I would recommend both
· 10 years ago
You should read "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe", "Life, the Universe and Everything" , and "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" in that order. The story just expands and expands and expands and.... well, yeah.
I heard somewhere that- and forgive me if I'm wrong, the only other language I know is a dead one- in I believe Japanese, "4" means death, and "2" means life. So 42 literally translates to life and death.
They are excellent books, aren't they