There are some churches like that but they are the minority. Most at least try to help the community.
The problem with this post is this guy wants to point out others problems but never did anything himself.
The Dalai Lama said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."
Well I assume because Tupac has valid points. The churches take donations from people and then they build bigger and nicer churches. The more people come, the more money they get. They should work on putting that money back into the community to do good with it instead of getting better things for themselves. He was a rapper. Yes he made a lot of money, but he earned that money. He didn't take donations. We also don't know that he didn't help out and donate some of his money. You're assuming he never helped out at all. And your Dalai Lama quote has nothing to do with the downvotes. It's a good quote. It just doesn't apply that much to this.
All I said is most churches don't do what he says. He is generalizing to all churches from a few bad eggs.
And it's somewhat hypocritical coming from him. He amassed a fortune off of violent and mysogonistic lyrics. You are right that I'm assuming he never helped people but he wasn't known as a philanthropist. He was known for throwing handfuls of cash at strippers and spraying champagne in the air.
So the fact that he one time did an interview criticizing churches doesn't impress me. Most churches are trying to help people. Can the same be said for most rappers?
· 10 years ago
Funny, have you even listened to TuPac?
“Take the evil out the people they’ll be acting right/ ‘Cause both black and white are smokin’ crack tonight/ And only time we deal is when we kill each other/ It takes skill to be real, time to heal each other.”
I went ahead and googled his lyrics now to be sure. And there seems to be a dichotomy to his songs. Some say pro social stuff, he even wrote one about his mother. And then the other half are gangster stuff about hoes.
The funny thing is I remember 2pac on the radio and mtv and doing interviews. Most people who frequent this site weren't born in 1996 when he died. Maybe you were an infant whose parents blasted east coast/west coast rap into your cradle but I doubt it.
My point is in isolation this quote makes him look nice and "wise" but in real life he wasn't like that most of the time.
Philanthropists rarely get shot.
· 10 years ago
In San Francisco he lived with a white woman named Leila Steinberg (1/4 Turkish, 1/4 Mexican, 2/4 German-Polish) who instigated Tupac's mind by having him read books, such as feminist writings. By age 20, according to a Harvard study, Tupac was more well-read, and intellectually well-rounded at that age than the average student in the first year class of most Ivy League institutions. I can attest to this after watching underground home video of a young Tupac (see documentary "Thug Angel").
Leila Steinberg: "From the very first day, he defiantly wanted to use his art for social change. He wanted to be a voice, not a star. So we stayed up probably until three in the morning that very first day that we met, talking about what we found in terms of our visions, for the planet, for people, for healing prejudice, for understanding black struggle, native American struggle, Latin struggle, women struggle, and just our commitment to fight for oppressed people."
· 10 years ago
And yeh, he has lyrics about bitches money and weed. But hey, it's hip hop, half of it is about who is the most badass rapper...
So he's like your hero and I offended you. You overlook all his shortcomings and you idolize him.
I see my mistake. Never disagree with the meme.
If you like Tupac so much, fine. Just reread what he said on this picture because it's not the truth for most churches.
You're upset because I generalized him to be like all the other rappers. (Although you admit he has songs about drugs and hoes.)
I'm annoyed because he is generalizing about all churches based on a few bad apples.
My other mistake was thinking I could disagree with what he said without making it about him. To think I could discuss the content of what he said.
So drop the Tupac side of things, I don't care. My question is: Do you think most churches are like he described or do you think most are trying to help people?
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Oh no you got me wrong... I don't think TuPac is right and i dont like the fact that he generalized churches. And nope, im not a big TuPac fan. I just disagreed with what you said about him not 'doing' anything to change the world. Changing the world is not always achieved by acting. Sometimes the one who truly changes the world is he who leads other people into action. I believe TuPacs lyrics did. It was just that lol
· 10 years ago
It would b nice if churches opened their doors to homeless people atleast at night so they don't have to sleep on streets
“The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity.”
― Leonard Ravenhill
If only "believers" knew how to really reflect the heart of Jesus, but most wear Christianity like an accessory.
I think Tupac has some valid points.
It's cathedrals that are fancy-looking and expensive. If you went to a Protestant, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Seventh Day Adventist church etc, they are muchmore simple in terms
That's stereotypical. Not all churches are that fancy. But the religion believes that God deserves that. Besides, I say the Christian religion is getting into a better shape. Have you noticed the difference between Pope Francis and the pope before him? Francis is much more giving.
BTW, not trying to be offensive.
most churches are not excessively fancy.
The problem with this post is this guy wants to point out others problems but never did anything himself.
The Dalai Lama said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."
And it's somewhat hypocritical coming from him. He amassed a fortune off of violent and mysogonistic lyrics. You are right that I'm assuming he never helped people but he wasn't known as a philanthropist. He was known for throwing handfuls of cash at strippers and spraying champagne in the air.
So the fact that he one time did an interview criticizing churches doesn't impress me. Most churches are trying to help people. Can the same be said for most rappers?
“Take the evil out the people they’ll be acting right/ ‘Cause both black and white are smokin’ crack tonight/ And only time we deal is when we kill each other/ It takes skill to be real, time to heal each other.”
My point is in isolation this quote makes him look nice and "wise" but in real life he wasn't like that most of the time.
Philanthropists rarely get shot.
Leila Steinberg: "From the very first day, he defiantly wanted to use his art for social change. He wanted to be a voice, not a star. So we stayed up probably until three in the morning that very first day that we met, talking about what we found in terms of our visions, for the planet, for people, for healing prejudice, for understanding black struggle, native American struggle, Latin struggle, women struggle, and just our commitment to fight for oppressed people."
I see my mistake. Never disagree with the meme.
If you like Tupac so much, fine. Just reread what he said on this picture because it's not the truth for most churches.
You're upset because I generalized him to be like all the other rappers. (Although you admit he has songs about drugs and hoes.)
I'm annoyed because he is generalizing about all churches based on a few bad apples.
My other mistake was thinking I could disagree with what he said without making it about him. To think I could discuss the content of what he said.
So drop the Tupac side of things, I don't care. My question is: Do you think most churches are like he described or do you think most are trying to help people?
― Leonard Ravenhill
If only "believers" knew how to really reflect the heart of Jesus, but most wear Christianity like an accessory.
I think Tupac has some valid points.
BTW, not trying to be offensive.