There was this one time when I went to France, just to see the Mona Lisa. So we land in the airport and (I was with my pal Francis) we decided to go grab a bit to eat. So we go and call a taxi, and tell him we wanna eat somewhere, so he starts talking about this great restaurant he eats at all the time. So we're "like okay yeah, lets go." So as we go over to this wonderful place, the taxi starts getting shot at. The driver yells something along the lines of "Omelete Du Fromage!" and takes a sharp turn, he drives off a ramp, and into an office building, now me and Francis are having aneurisms in the back because this is the coolest thing ever. Anyways so in the end we were deported.
That happened to me in Mexico once we were trying to cross the border to get some genuine tacos from mexico and there was like this convoy of big time drug dealers and the border patrol weren't doing anything so my and my friend got up in two different watch towers knocked out the guys in them and started to pick off these drug dealers one by one with these sniper riflies once border patrol stopped us our body count of drug dealers were 46 dead and 31 wounded. We got deported back to Texas and we're pretty sure that now guys from that drug rind in Mexico are coming to kill us