Actually, when this was posted like a month ago, the mom said she wanted him to die because he was suffering.
She wanted him to die so he would go to a better place.
Exactly, to waste away while your family watches, to pee and poop on yourself for 12 years and suffer putrid ulcers and wounds, this isn't something I would wish on an enemy.
They should have let him die. What's the cost of a human life? What's the cost of keeping a man alive in an icu on a ventilator for 12 years when money is not infinite and could have been used to give another boy a kidney transplant? It's a miracle the man even woke up. This happens once out of every 100,000 cases. Do you keep 100,000 people Alive for 12 years waiting for the 1 to wake up?
I actually agree with Bajasauce considering the fact that it does cost alot of money to keep someone alive, hoping on this small small chance that the person will wake up. I personally think the money should be used to focus on patients with a higher chance of surviving rather than someone with such a slim chance. But then again i also know how heart broken a family can feel when one of the members die.
You guys don't get it though. This is 12 years of torture. Even if you KNEW there was some sense of consciousness left, would you do this to your worst enemy? Tie him to a bed never letting him get up? The skin on your back eventually rots, and gets covered with fungus, you end up with countless infections over this time and blood clots in your legs and lungs. It's painful. Youre basically paying to TORTURE someone you love. And this is to gamble on a one in a MILLION chance they MIGHT wake up, but there's a 99.9% chance you're just keeping them alive to make them suffer. Honestly that makes you a monster. I know because I'm a doctor. I take care of these patients all the time and it breaks my heart to watch this year after year.
I have to say I agree with you.
It's one thing when someone gets injured recently and you don't know if they'll make it out, but for over a decade, letting him sit there as he gets sicker and more weak, you're just barely keeping him alive because you think he'll recover.
I would've let him die at this point. It's kinda like that SP episode Kenny Dies where Cartman fights to let Kenny die while Kyle fights to let him live.
"Cartman is right for the wrong reasons, and we're wrong for the right reasons."
· 10 years ago
Bajasauce, are you saying that one life is more important than another? Is that what you just said? Because that's what it fucking sounds like. How would it feel if YOU had a child and they went into a coma. Just pull the plug because it's only a 1 out of 100,000 chance? I don't think so
Thinking not for yourself but for the world, its better to spend the money on the thousands of sick people who is too poor to buy medication rather then someone with such a slim chance of surviving. It is also very painful to lie in a bed for 12 years, your muscles begin to shrink, your body will also stop functioning slowly.
The book is called Ghost Boy and it is incredible. Highly reccomend. And he wasn't in a coma. He was awake and living, but his mind wasn't fully there until years after he became ill. His mind slowly woke up and he spent years trapped in his body and had no way of communicating to his family and the people taking care of him. His name is Martin Pistorious. His perseverance is amazing and inspiring.
She wanted him to die so he would go to a better place.
It's one thing when someone gets injured recently and you don't know if they'll make it out, but for over a decade, letting him sit there as he gets sicker and more weak, you're just barely keeping him alive because you think he'll recover.
I would've let him die at this point. It's kinda like that SP episode Kenny Dies where Cartman fights to let Kenny die while Kyle fights to let him live.
"Cartman is right for the wrong reasons, and we're wrong for the right reasons."