WHOA. You need to finish watching! It might be a liiiittle bit overrated but it's still not bad. They're two different kinds of entertainment so they can't be identical, but it doesn't make the movie adaption bad. Watch it! You won't regret it (that much). Dude?
Oh my. Why, thank you very much! Since you seem to like my taste, I think your taste is splendid. Come back when you've finished watching and I'll see if you want to strangle me because it wasted your time, or not. On a whole nother note; this conversation made me smile like crazy, dude.
Why thank you :3
I definitely will, I'm pretty serious about my fandoms, so I hope I haven't been misled :P
The feeling is mutual, I enjoyed this so much, dude :D
Dude. I watched it. I sobbed. And I don't want to strangle you. Granted, it definitely wasn't as amazing as the book, but Ansel really pulled off the ending well, and as for Shailene Woodley, well goddamn, she's talented. Thanks for making me finish it :P I enjoyed it (sorta).
I should also probably mention that you're kinda one of my favorite FS users now.
You sobbed? Dude. I'm kinda sorry, kinda not. Kinda because I feel bad for you (obviously) and kinda not because that means the film left some imprint on you. The book is almost always the given winner, but the film isn't always horrifyingly bad. No need to thank me! And oh my god I honestly (no sarcasm for once) feel kind of privileged since you're like one of the "famous" people on here and you're, like, really (really) cool y'know.
Lol, don't feel bad, I sobbed even more for the book. I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to these things for some reason x_x. The book is still the winner to me, but the movie isn't as much of a failure to me anymore, and I have you to thank :3
Oh gosh no don't start that :| lol, being "famous" on an internet site xD. I'm just another FS user trying to have fun and pretty much being myself here because its one of the few places where I actually fit in. But thanks, lol, that actually made my day.
Well at least know that you're not alone, I wonder who *didn't* at least sniff a little bit while reading and/or watching the ending for the first time.
And I'm sorry but I just got that vibe! I mean I've been pretty undercover as an actual user here for over a year (I AM A SHADOW IN THE NIGHT) until recently, and you're pretty much everywhere. You know when you blow the things off of a poofy dandelion and they go everywhere? That's you. noo im totally kidding okay. But seriously. You seem hella rad. I mean it.
Lol, I noticed that you weren't exactly a very active user. I just really have no social life, so I can spend all my time here :3 I don't like people IRL.
Omw, I love that analogy, I guess I am kinda all over the place. Soon, I will take over the world *insert evil cackle* hehe, thanks, you're pretty hella rad yourself (see I can speak the slang) :3
Maybe 'dude' will be our 'always'.
I definitely will, I'm pretty serious about my fandoms, so I hope I haven't been misled :P
The feeling is mutual, I enjoyed this so much, dude :D
I should also probably mention that you're kinda one of my favorite FS users now.
Oh gosh no don't start that :| lol, being "famous" on an internet site xD. I'm just another FS user trying to have fun and pretty much being myself here because its one of the few places where I actually fit in. But thanks, lol, that actually made my day.
And I'm sorry but I just got that vibe! I mean I've been pretty undercover as an actual user here for over a year (I AM A SHADOW IN THE NIGHT) until recently, and you're pretty much everywhere. You know when you blow the things off of a poofy dandelion and they go everywhere? That's you. noo im totally kidding okay. But seriously. You seem hella rad. I mean it.
Omw, I love that analogy, I guess I am kinda all over the place. Soon, I will take over the world *insert evil cackle* hehe, thanks, you're pretty hella rad yourself (see I can speak the slang) :3