

— Purple_Sleevies Report User
True that! 25 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
And paint?
Never skip physics class 12 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
How would one do this without falling over? As someone who likes physics but has yet to take it, I am curious
I'm in public school and we have mandatory art classes 23 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
They are different though. In math, there are formulas and specific ways to do things that will always get you the same answer. But in art/music there are other factors that could result in failure even if you did the same steps as everyone else.
Dad at its best 2 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
No its not. If you took out Sarah, then the sentence would read "Are you talking about I?" So the way she wrote it is correct.
It's Beardfacé dammit! 14 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
How can someone not grow a beard? Isnt it just hair? Does the hair just not grow?
People are boycotting 'finding Dory' because of a lesbian couple 18 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
Ive seen more complaining about people getting upset over the couple than people actually getting upset about it. Could it be that there isnt an actual issue here and that youre just adding to a problem that doesnt exist?
Bad. Ass. 10 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
Yessss that was awesome
f*ckING NOTCH FOR THE WIN 90 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
I believe thats 'manscaping'
*finds man* *rips his skin off* 6 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
I agree that women have been marketed to, but there are so many examples to go off of that make better arguments than this one
Damn true 6 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
The idea is still correct, even if the gesture is not
Such a great quote...Wait 4 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
It's discussing both people and ideas. Ideas about people.
That is pretty dark... 31 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
I highly doubt that most people believe this guys. It's just an interesting story
That is pretty dark... 31 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
This is insulting to the story. If you're going to post about it, at least post more than one measly sentence.
Do you think someone is looking at you? 8 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
Or they were just looking at you. You can look at someone without 'checking them out'
No-kill spider catcher 19 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
Fine with me, I'd rather it be dead
No-kill spider catcher 19 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
That works too
No-kill spider catcher 19 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
No-kill spider catcher 19 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
No-kill spider catcher 19 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
Is there one that brutally kills them?
Non traditional families 9 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
I always wonder how gay couples pick who carries the baby
Recent budget cuts 3 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
This happened to my grandma, she went back to college to become a drug/ abuse therapist and right before she graduated budget cuts were made to those programs and a bunch of buildings dedicated to them shut down.
So damn true 8 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
So damn true 8 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
.... Dude its a joke about Walmart never having enough cashiers
My view from the bathroom 4 comments
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
Or you know, hands