Its possible, but that would also mean that it had to have caused the person who got the vaccine to get actually infected with the virus. Then the vaccine was faulty.
· 10 years ago
This issue is so confusing. But thanks for the info
I know a five year old girl who was just vaccine injured this year. The doctors confirmed that yes, in her case, it was the vaccine. They don't expect her to live to be seven. Don't attack people who don't vaccinate because you're afraid of them carrying disease because they are equally afraid of vaccines killing them or their kids. Everyone is scared so all we can do is keep researching until we find permanent, completely safe solutions.
There is a thing called mass immunity, meaning that if enough people get vaccinated, the virus will not be able to take root and spread, protecting those who are not able to be vaccinated for legitimate health reasons (alergies, etc.). However, if people don't vaccinate as able, mass immunity doesn't work. So basically, vaccinate yourselves and your children unless you have an actual medical reason not to.
Simplydinosaurs, it's ok for you to doubt, but yes, this did happen. I don't have permission from the girl's family to go posting all of their information on the internet, I was just using what happened to her as an example of why some people don't vaccinate.