I hate christians like this. Ugh. They make us seem like we refuse to believe any form of science, or are completely hateful people. We do believe in evolution (to a certain degree) you can't deny things that are happening in front of you, we just don't believe that humans evolved from apes. Psychology is actually a very important part and regardless of a person's sexuality, we're supposed to treat everyone equally. Judge not lest you be judged with the same measure.
...scientifically humans didn't evolve from apes, we share a common ancestor with them
· 10 years ago
Exactly. We also share a large amount of DNA with bananas but that doesn't mean we evolved from bananas
I have no problem with religion unless they're going to act like that man
*upvotes your comment because the image of humans evolving from bananas made me laugh*
· 10 years ago
I believe that plankton could have evolved into jellyfish, lizards to snakes, etc. But I'm not sure about evolution on a much larger scale, like amphibians evolving into mammals.
It's super complicated, and honestly should just be either ignored or accepted. Because unless you're in the scientific field, it doesn't really matter.
Agreed, I fail to see how what sugarmice described could happen but its not a dire situation where I 'have to be right and everyone who disagrees is a moron'
I think he's confused as to who the devil really is. If they say the devil is liar then he might just be missunderstood And Isaac Newton was his disiple.
I was told that heaven is different for everybody so everyone has a different type. Sort of like rooms. So maybe hell for him is heaven for others and vice versa.
I have no problem with religion unless they're going to act like that man
I wonder why
This is why Satan is an anagram for Santa, kids.