Don't mean to be rude but what's woth the down votes? It's part of some people culture or justu a way some people show their love...sorry you see it that way but it's just what I grew up doing and I'll keep doing it until my parents die...I love them and that's how I show it.
I used to kiss my son on lips, like a motherly peck which only I could do not his father. Now he's 8years old i can only kiss him on cheeks. Luckily for me he's not too old to get his feet tickled. It maybe weird for most but it's a family bond for some. X
It's kinda a cultural thing- that's how we greet (same goes for my extended family)
· 10 years ago
For me it's a motherly love thing. There wasn't a day I didn't get a kiss and a I love you & vice versa. Bond that most mothers have for their kids is extraordinary. Peck on lips was love not a cultural thing. Maybe for some... X
"So.... they're THAT kind of family..."