You are right. It's not. But I see it as perspective. We women yeah should be treated and paid the same....but there's bigger problems in the world for other women
Exactly. I do agree that not getting free condoms isn't sexist, however, there are some men who are still misogynistic. Just because a woman in a third world country experiences worse misogyny than women in the first world, doesn't mean our problems should be negated. There are still plenty of incidences where women are brutally raped and beaten in this country. There are still countless songs being made every year about how women are only good for sex. Yes, feminism is more needed in third world countries, but it's still needed here as well.
And it's really not about condoms. Women need cheaper or free birth control because there's a lot of other reasons why women should take birth control. Like PCOS, which I have or to regulate their periods. Birth control doesn't only prevent pregnancy. I do agree with free condoms though, that's a good idea.
In Norway, there's free birth control pills for everyone between 16 and 26. Free condoms can also be ordered through a website called (free condoms). Which I think is great!
We have the best milk chocolate. I never eat chocolate in the US, because it's never as good as in Norway. Maybe you can order some Freia Melkesjokolade online to get a taste test lol. Or actually, just visit a Norwegian sailors Church, they sell them in America I believe.
Dude, just cause people have it worse, doesn't mean you can't still try to make yourself better off. Condoms are one thing and i know no one who thinks that's war worthy, but equal pay and bias are a really big issue. It's like saying "well, there are still people who are poorer than me, so I'm not going to try to make money."
· 9 years ago
Any perceived inequality will be disappearing very shortly. Women are graduating from higher education in far greater rates then men. It will have a profound effect on everything in our society.
There have been years of that happening already, which is great. But if we keep raising men that they have to be aggressive, and women more passive, then nothing much can change.
· 9 years ago
The economic implications of this shifting paradigm are going to far out strip such archaic concepts like passive and aggressive child rearing.
First world problems shouldnt be compared to the pain and suffering of women in another country. That's like comparing dick sizes. Just because one is bigger doesn't mean it's better or more important. The pictures don't show the reality - women are treated very differently in different cultures. Fighting for condoms is a sad and pathetic argument with the atrocities committed across the globe are ignored. Why not compare the acid burn victim to a pretty face that is the victim to female genital mutilation? A visible versus hidden suffering simply because a woman was born a woman.
Just because other people have problems, doesn't mean smaller problems are less valid.
"Oh, your grandma died? Well some people have CANCER so it's forbidden for you to care about your grandma."
"Oh, your grandma died? Well some people have CANCER so it's forbidden for you to care about your grandma."