Preach!!! There are so many people who don't understand how depression works, and honestly, I'm happy that they don't- I'm happy that they will never have to deal with it themselves. But people still need to be informed, because there's too much judgement and too many stigmas surrounding depression- not to mention the fact that there are still so many people who don't take mental illnesses seriously.
Calling people fakers for depression puts everyone with depression on trial. Even if it looks like they're fine, they probably feel like they're dying inside. (from my experience)
· 9 years ago
I think what Ningo meant is that he/she hates it when people pretend that they have depression when they really don't, just so they can use it as an excuse not to do stuff. People DO do this, trust me (coming from someone who's struggled with depression and disordered eating and anxiety from the age of 7).
BUT, it's not your place to tell someone if they are or aren't faking.
I have a "friend" who fakes it. Threatens suicide if we don't invite him to things, and uses it as an excuse to be an all around asshat. Just this week, we had a birthday party for one of my friends, but didn't invite him. He sent pics of him "cutting" because we didn't invite him. I, however, recognized it as the same fake cuts he used for his halloween costume.
Basically, he's an attention-seeking asshole. Don't be like him.
I had a friend who did the exact same thing. Whenever someone disagreed with him or told him he needed to calm down (like when he whined about being forced to go to school when he was tired, because that totally never happens to anyone else) he would say 'gonna go drink bleach now' and it was really frustrating. He also used it as an excuse to say idiotic stuff then say 'sorry, I was going through a depressive episode'.
That is what I meant.Still even tho people like these are horrible for faking depression you should still offer them some help because I believe that if someone fakes depression to the point you two mentioned it there is probably a chance they will eventually get depressed and who knows maybe they even sometimes feel like that inside.It's still wrong tho and you need to be sure if they are using it for attention or are they secretly asking for help.Thanks for your understanding.
· 9 years ago
I think that anyone who attention seeks probably has some deep rooted issues that they're too scared to mention, so I usually offer help. The issue with this guy was that he pushed everyone away, so there was no real point in the end.
(if you're wondering why I respond so quickly, I'm practically glued to my computer oops)
It's just as bad a battle as MS and Sickle Cell but the worst part is people who are depressed feel like they need to hide it cause they will be judged and that just makes everything even more unbearable. If only everyone were willing to help those who are mentally ill as much as we are willing to help those who are physically ill..
I'd do anything to help the people in my life suffering from mental illess. The horrible thing is I can't do anything or make a difference. But that doesn't mean I won't stop trying.
BUT, it's not your place to tell someone if they are or aren't faking.
Basically, he's an attention-seeking asshole. Don't be like him.
(if you're wondering why I respond so quickly, I'm practically glued to my computer oops)