To avoid computing errors in HumanBrain1.0 and it's clock functions, it is recommended to calculate time in "Military Time". 12am becomes hour 0. 12:01am = 00:01
Honestly, tumblr will be blown away by anything now
· 10 years ago
The reason for it being like that is AM means ante (before) meridiem (midday) and PM means post (after) meridiem. So 12am is BEFORE midday and 12pm is AFTER midday, because midday is at 11:59am.
It's general knowledge.....not everyone's going to know that, and without knowing that it definitely seems illogical (even with knowing that, there's the question of why 1am doesn't replace 12am and midday becomes 12:59am). It's often a matter of what you're interested in. Not knowing it doesn't make anyone a moron, but arguing against something you know nothing about does.
All of us know how time works, it's just unsettling to think about the fact that 12 am comes before 11 am. It enrages our OCD.
· 10 years ago
Um....I explained it for the people who might not know? Not everyone does know. I sure didn't until I looked it up a couple of years ago. Most of the people I know don't know what AM and PM stand for.
I know you're trying to be clever, but we're talking about what comes exactly before and after 11am/pm.
And really, how insecure are you to start calling names at anyone that contradicts your points.
You have no authority to claim to know what the OP meant by posting the picture, or what the person who typed the text in the picture meant by it in that detail.
And that was a legitimate question which you seem to be avoiding.
*insert guy with glasses*
Nothing that I'm aware of.
Fuck this place is full of morons.
And really, how insecure are you to start calling names at anyone that contradicts your points.
And that was a legitimate question which you seem to be avoiding.