If you have a source for this, would you be so kind as to share it? I have a project on modern day slavery in Pakistan, and I'm sure this would be a great example to use. If you don't have the source, it's fine, too, I'd just really appreciate it :)
Why the fuck don't we just take over the middle east. Especially Syria. All those countries are so corrupt. Fuck those people. Their countries need. Etter leader.
And we're not corrupt? Are you kidding me? We don't liberate countries unless we gain something from it. How are we any better than them when we have the means to have a progressive country but we still have no liveable wage, many homeless, foster care in desperate need of reform and some of the lowest school systems in the world? We hate one another and our police departments are brutal and corrupt. We don't have the right to know what's in our food and god forbid you're not a Christian in this country. We spend all our nations resources on the military instead of heathcare and cannot cure a disease because too much profit is made in treating it. We may not have slavery any longer but we do not have any answers and no right to pretend we do. Our level of corruption multiples each year and will continue but we should do what? What we did in Iraq? How has liberation worked out for them?
Yes, there is a book