Oh, but it's not my problem if you don't believe me. Quite frankly, I do not care.
· 10 years ago
You are such a confrontational person. Instead of telling me what you were going to say, you just start pointless arguments like this to keep the thread going.
It's pretty obvious that the people destroying the wold are the ones destroying it. Sure, lay some fault at the apathetic, but they're not the one actually being destructive. This is pretty easy to understand.
Also I didn't say let evil destroy the world, I said don't horn in on others' business. These are obviously two different things.
Umm yeah dude, it's really not going to result in something positive if we continue argueing. You have your opinion (I sincerely do not get that you would just leave the poor and needy behind) and I have mine (I believe that we should give people who desperately need our help, our help) it seems that neither one of us will give in. I having human nature, my beliefs and opinion backing me, you have... your opinion. It is very dark anc inconsiderate, but I live in a country where I am entitled to say and think what I want and I assume you do also. So let's be formal and considerate despite our differences and continue on this pretty cool website.
Well of course it would apply to me, but I'm fine with continuing. My reasoning is much more logical than yours, as it's not based on faith and human nature, both of which are intrinsically illogical.
Also Adolf was a pretty cool guy what with being a brilliant leader and a patriot, and a decent painter, and whatnot. But remember the six million amirite?
The second world war killed 80 million people and he started it, you call him a cool guy. Shame on you. Nothing about your arguement is logical, you just think it is.... just like Hitler thought he was doing the right thing.
Yeah, but no talks about those deaths, do they? Its always the Jews that get the spotlight. Genocide sells, I guess.
WWII was caused by a whole lot more things than Germany's invasion of Poland. It was practically destined to happen as soon as WWI was over, and if Hitler hadn't rose to power some one else would have and probably would have made similar choices.
That said I was being a little facetious, he did lose the war after all, he can't be that cool with that failure hanging over his head. Regardless "the right thing" is a subjective concept and he probably one of the most influential people to have lived in the last century. Greatness is greatness.
As to my argument, I challenge you to point out my false logic, although be sure to do it with something other than your feelings.
It's your choice bro. I can't force you to post. I'm more than willing to here your disagreement, but you seem to prefer to insult me and my ideas.
· 9 years ago
Yeah, I've never seen anyone be successful in proving a point by insulting their opponent, and why it would be necessary I can't tell. And I don't think apathy is related to delusion, either. It's rather sad that everyone missed the point. Many people died, yes, but no-one seems to care about why that happened. And as for focussing just on the Jews - screw the media.
"screw the media"
Some say the Jews are the media. Ironic isn't it?
On a side note I actually find it odd that people think genocide itself is pointed out as being more horrible than just killing a lot of people. If race is superficial, why is it so much worse of a crime if all the people killed are the same race? Shouldn't the fact that so many people were killed far outstrip the relevance of their racial similarity?
· 9 years ago
It's also ironic that some proponents of the "Jews own the media" argument deny that the Holocaust happened.
Almost as many non-Jews were killed as Jews during the Holocaust. It shows how biased and defective we are as a society if we ignore murder because of genocide. In History class at school, I remember how we gelled over the massive Soviet assistance in the Allies winning World War I. In fact, we only really went as far as Central Europe and the West.
In response to what you said earlier, I'm not sure how being a patriot made Hitler a good guy?
Yeah, I would agree with what you said about genocide/murder. I guess people find it heinous that someone would target so many members of the same race in order to "wipe them off the planet". It just strikes some resonating chord within people, causing them to think genocide "is really evil", probably more so than murder. It's ridiculous to think about, in proportion to the amount everyone downplays racism.
I speak for most of society and the most of the free world, you speak soley for yourself, that is wrong
· 9 years ago
What basis do you have for calling garlog delusional? At the very least, can't you proffer some proof? Maybe you could call him unconventional, but insulting him without the need to do so is taking it a bit far.
"In response to what you said earlier, I'm not sure how being a patriot made Hitler a good guy?"
In the way that he loved his country and wanted to improve it. It was quite a display of motivation and determination to go to the lengths he did.
"Calling you delusional isn't insulting, it's true."
You have no factual basis to assume that I'm delusional and I have no reason to assume that I'm delusional (no more than anyone else, anyway), so its clear you're using the word as nothing more than an insult.
"I speak for most of society and the most of the free world, you speak soley for yourself, that is wrong "
Ad populum is a false argument. If 5 billion people said 2+2=5 that would still be wrong.
· 9 years ago
But cia, Hitler wasn't delusional either. I suppose he had a fetish for power, and enjoyed watching people die, but that's about it.
· 9 years ago
Garlog, patriotism is what started the problem though. It's what led to antisemitism and pan-Germanism, which couldn't have succeeded. I guess he was a determined guy, but he had no basis for going to the lengths he did, and it didn't result in much in the end anyway.
In Hitler's mind patriotism was the beginning of the solution. The return of German pride after WWI and all that. And he had basis for what he did. He wanted to get rid of the Jews and other undesirables in Germany as a part of purifying the German population. Same race, same religion and whatnot. Perhaps based on the success of Emperor Chin. I would also argue whether pan-Germanism was impossible. There were quite a few factors that led to its failure, though fail it did. Maybe it was to idealist, maybe not. And antisemitism has been around as long as Jews have been around, it's not like Hitler invented it. Hell, I myself am not a big fan of Israel.
· 9 years ago
Maybe pan-Germanism was possible, but that doesn't mean it was right. How could it be a good thing? Elevating one race at the cost of others is appalling and gratuitous. Also "idealist" suggests that in anyone's eyes it was a good thing. Race is so superficial. We are all human beings and no one race has any superiority over another, nor any better assets. And how does one have the right to claim stakes to one plot of land and withhold it from others, often by violent means? And yes, I know. Hitler had to build on previous anti-semitism. However, I don't mind Israel or any other country or race and don't see why I would.
· 9 years ago
The Allies did treat the Germans poorly, leading in part to World War II. Although Hitler certainly knew what he had to say in order to be liked.
When you say "basis for what he did" - I don't understand how anyone could have the basis to do what Hitler did (which was purely shocking). Although one person alone cannot be blamed for such great acts of evil, few actively stood up to Hitler.
And I would argue that America, as the reigning world power, was disposed and able to ward off any threat. As ridiculous as it may sound, this is reflected in biblical prophecy, which I take a great deal of interest in.
To digress to the topic of human life, isn't the fact that we are some of the only sentient beings in the universe reason enough for us to be significant?
I misspoke when I said "idealist". I meant "idealistic".
I've never been fully convinced of the ideal that all races are equal. Maybe they are, but it seems like we assume that far too readily. I'm not opposed to the concept, but I won't condemn someone for thinking otherwise.
By "basis for what he did" I only refer to a reason for doing it that makes sense to me.
"isn't the fact that we are some of the only sentient beings in the universe reason enough for us to be significant?"
In a different post/picture/whatever, I explained why my answer to that is no.
· 9 years ago
If all races aren't equal, then what is the difference between them? Due to human stubbornness, not every race has equal rights, but fundamentally, I see no difference.
Okay, that makes sense. But Hitler obviously wasn't seeking the benefits even of his own people, he was seeking his own advantage.
I heard what you said about the galactic scale. And while the universe is an an amazing thing, what use is the power of a supernova when these objects cannot think and reason?
Like I said I'm not opposed to the concept. I imagine if there is any difference it's likely negligible, but I'm open to other interpretations, and as such don't begrudge the concept of racial supremacy. Nether side is particularly convincing to me.
Hitler certainly had selfishness as a part of his agenda, and I'm fine with that. I do selfish things, and I'm fine with other being selfish.
What use is the power of a supernova when these objects *can* think and reason? Any answer will be just as insignificant due to the pointlessness of the universe.
very impress
plenty remorse
such wow
Also I didn't say let evil destroy the world, I said don't horn in on others' business. These are obviously two different things.
If you want to stop arguing you don't need to keep replying. I'm certainly cool with that.
Also Adolf was a pretty cool guy what with being a brilliant leader and a patriot, and a decent painter, and whatnot. But remember the six million amirite?
Yeah, but no talks about those deaths, do they? Its always the Jews that get the spotlight. Genocide sells, I guess.
WWII was caused by a whole lot more things than Germany's invasion of Poland. It was practically destined to happen as soon as WWI was over, and if Hitler hadn't rose to power some one else would have and probably would have made similar choices.
That said I was being a little facetious, he did lose the war after all, he can't be that cool with that failure hanging over his head. Regardless "the right thing" is a subjective concept and he probably one of the most influential people to have lived in the last century. Greatness is greatness.
As to my argument, I challenge you to point out my false logic, although be sure to do it with something other than your feelings.
Some say the Jews are the media. Ironic isn't it?
On a side note I actually find it odd that people think genocide itself is pointed out as being more horrible than just killing a lot of people. If race is superficial, why is it so much worse of a crime if all the people killed are the same race? Shouldn't the fact that so many people were killed far outstrip the relevance of their racial similarity?
Almost as many non-Jews were killed as Jews during the Holocaust. It shows how biased and defective we are as a society if we ignore murder because of genocide. In History class at school, I remember how we gelled over the massive Soviet assistance in the Allies winning World War I. In fact, we only really went as far as Central Europe and the West.
In response to what you said earlier, I'm not sure how being a patriot made Hitler a good guy?
Yeah, I would agree with what you said about genocide/murder. I guess people find it heinous that someone would target so many members of the same race in order to "wipe them off the planet". It just strikes some resonating chord within people, causing them to think genocide "is really evil", probably more so than murder. It's ridiculous to think about, in proportion to the amount everyone downplays racism.
"In response to what you said earlier, I'm not sure how being a patriot made Hitler a good guy?"
In the way that he loved his country and wanted to improve it. It was quite a display of motivation and determination to go to the lengths he did.
"Calling you delusional isn't insulting, it's true."
You have no factual basis to assume that I'm delusional and I have no reason to assume that I'm delusional (no more than anyone else, anyway), so its clear you're using the word as nothing more than an insult.
"I speak for most of society and the most of the free world, you speak soley for yourself, that is wrong "
Ad populum is a false argument. If 5 billion people said 2+2=5 that would still be wrong.
When you say "basis for what he did" - I don't understand how anyone could have the basis to do what Hitler did (which was purely shocking). Although one person alone cannot be blamed for such great acts of evil, few actively stood up to Hitler.
And I would argue that America, as the reigning world power, was disposed and able to ward off any threat. As ridiculous as it may sound, this is reflected in biblical prophecy, which I take a great deal of interest in.
To digress to the topic of human life, isn't the fact that we are some of the only sentient beings in the universe reason enough for us to be significant?
I've never been fully convinced of the ideal that all races are equal. Maybe they are, but it seems like we assume that far too readily. I'm not opposed to the concept, but I won't condemn someone for thinking otherwise.
By "basis for what he did" I only refer to a reason for doing it that makes sense to me.
"isn't the fact that we are some of the only sentient beings in the universe reason enough for us to be significant?"
In a different post/picture/whatever, I explained why my answer to that is no.
Okay, that makes sense. But Hitler obviously wasn't seeking the benefits even of his own people, he was seeking his own advantage.
I heard what you said about the galactic scale. And while the universe is an an amazing thing, what use is the power of a supernova when these objects cannot think and reason?
Hitler certainly had selfishness as a part of his agenda, and I'm fine with that. I do selfish things, and I'm fine with other being selfish.
What use is the power of a supernova when these objects *can* think and reason? Any answer will be just as insignificant due to the pointlessness of the universe.