Yeah, it's okay to have everyone as yellow, but when you add the races it sorta just feels weird because we were satisfied without that.
some people were even asking for TARDIS emoticons and specific things like that.
Yeah, I like DW but is an emoticon necessary for that?
the ones with emotions only were yellow and still are, but the ones with hair or clothes that were supposed to be real people were all white. so apple made them the same default color as the emotion ones and added representation and diverse options. :)
For some people, it is necessary. As it promotes diversity. Rather than having these white-washed emojis, white-washed TV, white-washed media. By having these emojis, it's encouraging a lot of people to be okay with not being white. Spoken from a minority perspective not a point of privilege. Please no hate.
Everyone's saying this is stupid or not needed, but remember, WE DID THIS TO THEM. Thy wouldn't have done this if we hadn't constantly complained that the old system was unfair or racist/homophobic.
I'm all for equality and all but I don't think this is it .. I mean come on, does it make a major difference in your life? Yay now you have black emojis but you didn't need them. It wasn't racist/ homophobic before - it's not something phone companies focus on. I'd rather apple spent that time and money fixing their chargers so that they don't break or strengthening the screens. Besides the "homo-friendly" emojis are an ugly yellow
I never once saw anyone complain until AFTER Apple announced they were changing them. I'm probably wrong but I think they only changed them because of all the things that have been happening and they didn't want to get attacked for racism.
some people were even asking for TARDIS emoticons and specific things like that.
Yeah, I like DW but is an emoticon necessary for that?
And a drumset!