this is so accurate! *Looks at pile of unread books* *whispers* "Don't worry I'll get to you" * realizes how wrong this sounds* *awkwardly moonwalks out of sight*
i read books all the time my friends call me anti social but i can multi-task with books
read and walk
read and listen to music
read and both listen to music and walk
read and listen to my friends conversations
The struggle is real. I have been lately been making a habit of going to the bookstore most Saturday nights and picking up a couple books... most are unread.
To be fair, they are reference books that I would like to have on hand, but still.
This is the dilemma I'm stuck in new. I've jut finished reading, Michael Grants 'Gone' series, and don't know whether to start Game of Thrones or go back to the shelf of untouched books I wasted my money on.
read and walk
read and listen to music
read and both listen to music and walk
read and listen to my friends conversations
To be fair, they are reference books that I would like to have on hand, but still.