This is seriously the most gratuitously imbecilic piece of ideologically-driven bullshit it's been my misfortune to see.
Do you NOT know that since CO2 levels have increased in the last 20 years, that global plant growth is experiencing a spike??!
Please quit uploading such biased and reality-distorting crap!
Signed, an actual scientist, not a left-wing mind-bending cultist.
What kind of scientist?
Most scientists aren't on the ecological side, unless you are one. Are you making stuff up? Yes, people are planting more plants, but forests are being chopped down faster than they can be planted. You do realize that the Amazin Rainforest is being chopped down, trees gone, leaving no home for many animals? That makes animals die out slowly too
I call your rant bullshit
*facepalm* right back ya. You are obviouslt failing to grasp the true purpose of this video. It's name dropping and (indirectly) calling out a political party. that itself should set off a red flag. Do you really think everyone at Fox News doregards the enviroment? you dont think those people care about leaving their children a world worth living in? The opinion on Fox is generally that global warming is created or greatly exaggerated by the liberal media to pursuade the majority of voters that corperations are bad. The reason is purely politIcal. the goal for BOTH sides it to retain power in Washington. You achieve that by appealing to the masses. If you are the Democratic party and the majority of you voter base was the lower income group of people, would you seek to increase or decrease the less wealthy? How would you go about doing it?
Actually yes, in the extreme. Any extreme disruption in the flow of goods and services would likely cost lives in some form. Everything is a lot more connected than most people think.
yes, but planting more trees won't hurt. and i see what you're getting act, but i think it would end up worse if we left the problem compared to if we did something
Do you NOT know that since CO2 levels have increased in the last 20 years, that global plant growth is experiencing a spike??!
Please quit uploading such biased and reality-distorting crap!
Signed, an actual scientist, not a left-wing mind-bending cultist.
What kind of scientist?
Most scientists aren't on the ecological side, unless you are one. Are you making stuff up? Yes, people are planting more plants, but forests are being chopped down faster than they can be planted. You do realize that the Amazin Rainforest is being chopped down, trees gone, leaving no home for many animals? That makes animals die out slowly too
I call your rant bullshit