I'm a girl
*proves smbadat's proving of me proving of his proving of me wrong by raising hand in the best way a hand could possibly be raised (there was glitter involved)*
Oh god. It seems none of us will let it go. But I wont let it go for longer.
*Proves the previous statement by UT wrong by raising my hand extremely better than she did*
· 9 years ago
I think I can finish this.
*Grabs everyone else's hands and puts them down while keeping one hand in the air*
*slowly raises hand (I'm also laying on the floor) and makes my hand look like a gun and shoots brethilwen, then makes hand not gun shaped to show I'm raising my hand*
*Still raising hand, walks over to brethilwen and slaps him/her with other hand, all the while holding hand in the air* You ain't pretending! THIS IS NOT A GAME!
· 9 years ago
*Stands up and whirls away in a glittery cloud of awesomeness, all the while holding hands up*
NO THIS IS PATRICK!!! *slams phone with awesome hand still raised*
· 9 years ago
*Powers up jetpack and flies out of pit with my hands in the air like I just don't care*
Bye guys! (I'm female btw).
*Flies away into sunset in an epic manner*
*brethilwen realizes she's using friggin jet packs, and flies into the sun blowing up in a majestic poof of glitter, letting 123floor win by default* (I figured you're a girl because of glitter, but glitter can get pretty manly so I didn't want to assume)
· 9 years ago
Yes you totally win. Here's your trophy! That was fun! 8-)
Cool! *walks away with trophy, stops and drops trophy on floor, walks back* I don't know what that thing was, that you handed me but having a new funsubfriend is pretty sweet!
*had been standing to the side watching the show yet the sight of her old foe smbadat raising his hand forces her to once again get involved and raise her hand better than he ever could*
*in a fit of rage murders everybody then blows up the building. then raises her hand awesomely after which she goes in to hiding from the CIA not to be seen again for at least 10 years*
*survives because unknowingly to smbadat he didn't actually set off the moment. I'm now living in a small pocket universe with the rest of the time lords and I can raise my hand spectacularly*
*uses tardis to fetch baby UT and throws her into UTs pocket universe, forcing UT to catch her. Escape, stealing all forms of transport from the pocket universe, while the reapers wreck shit to fuck. I then raise my hand majestically *
*Does a backflip onto a table*
*Epic music plays*
Awesome dance off!
*Proves usuallythoughtful's proving of me wrong wrong by raising hand better than him/her*
*proves UT's proving of me proving his/her proving of me wrong by raising my hand better than him/her *
*proves smbadat's proving of me proving of his proving of me wrong by raising hand in the best way a hand could possibly be raised (there was glitter involved)*
*Proves the previous statement by UT wrong by raising my hand extremely better than she did*
*Grabs everyone else's hands and puts them down while keeping one hand in the air*
*uses awesome martial arts skills to beat everyone else then once I'm the last person standing raises hand*
*pretends to die heroically*
*Stands up and whirls away in a glittery cloud of awesomeness, all the while holding hands up*
Bye guys! (I'm female btw).
*Flies away into sunset in an epic manner*
*SMBadat used raise hand better than all who have and all that will*
It was super effective