One time after mid-terms I decided I needed to rent a kitten for one day and one night.
I contacted a bunch of people selling kitten on the Dutch version of craigslist and explained my idea and offered both money and a way for them to be re-assured the kitty wouldn't be harmed and returned as promised. None of them wrote back...
I was beyond disappointed. I needed kitty therapy!! Why don't people support this?!
There's something at my school called gentle Thursday and Friday where all classes are cancelled and they bring in masseuses and puppies from a local shelter. Pizza is also half off on campus that week. The only thing is that you have to sign up way ahead of time to get in.
A taxi service in my city did a thing where you could call them and they would come to your house with a puppy or kitten that you could play with for 15minutes. The idea was really popular and everyone loved it but people complained about the welfare of the animals and how it wasn't good for them to do that so the company only ever did it for the one day and hasn't done it again. Btw I live in Australia
I was just complaining to my friends about the lack of support for this and one brought up that point; it would be very stressfull for the kitty/puppy.
I wonder how true that is though. Perhaps having them spend the night away from the group would be stressfull, but just playing with them for a short time?
Every puppy and kitten I have ever met loved to play with anyone who'd give them attention...
I contacted a bunch of people selling kitten on the Dutch version of craigslist and explained my idea and offered both money and a way for them to be re-assured the kitty wouldn't be harmed and returned as promised. None of them wrote back...
I was beyond disappointed. I needed kitty therapy!! Why don't people support this?!
I wonder how true that is though. Perhaps having them spend the night away from the group would be stressfull, but just playing with them for a short time?
Every puppy and kitten I have ever met loved to play with anyone who'd give them attention...