I wonder why this has to be said, but don't have sex with drunk people. If a man or woman is intoxicated, do not, under any circumstance, have sex with them. At all. Even if that person if your husband or wife. Wait till they sober up, cause there is no need to ever have confusion about consent.
Shut the fuck up, adults have the right to be able to both drink and make the choices they want, I'm tired of this bull shit culture, that wants to baby everyone like if having sex with your significant other or even a person you just meet that is willing is not ok, it is is called being adventurous. Obviously they're people that force their will on others that is not ok. but to start making laws against something as having a drunken one night stand is ridicules or even with you partner. Wtf is wrong with people. a person that has the capacity within themselfs to force another person into sex, will do it in anyway, stop putting everyone into that category. All men are not rapist, all women are not rapist, some are those are who should be targeted. Not make it so anyone could be classified along the same lines as an actual rapist for engaging in consents drunken sex because is soon to be against the law.
The other day a teacher was asking things that bother us from our sex and i said " not being able to wear whatever the hell i want bc 'i'm tempting them to do something to me' " and i got cheered by most girls except my friend who said "well, if you are wearing a really short skirt then you are" and i swear i can't believe someone as sweet as her would seriously believe that crap
Rape is rape. Think of those kidnapped 20 school girls. Girls don't ask for it, I can't believe it live in a society where people think it is ok. Isis are rapping girls, those women are treated as objects. What about girls raped by their fathers? Rape is never ok! A girl should never feel she can't do something in fear of been raped! Once you are raped you are damaged for life's! SOME men say its women who rape men, but all you have to do is type on google 'is " " county safe for women to live in. The answer is always no, because it is men who get away with it! I a girl should be able to wear what the hell I want and walk alone with out been afraid of been molested! All girls should. Women aren't objects. A report says some teens think rape is ok for certain reasons, like she turns him on. You can't get over rape. In many countries girls are married off at 13 and are rape, they are so physiologically traumatised. It is never the victims fault. End rape now!
Thank you for acknowledging gender. It feels as if a lot of people either ignore it or just don't believe it can be as traumatizing for a man. They disregard it as something insignificant. But at the end if the day, rape is the loss of choice and self as a beautiful act is turned into something ugly and disgusting. And it affect women and men.
Except that legally speaking, a rape victim can only be a woman and a perpetrator can only be a man. That is the definition of it. So gender is a necessary distinction here. There are different crimes for different actions. It is all horrible but it isn't all rape.
Many men have been arrested for *raping* another man. Many woman have been arrested for *raping* other women. Many women have been arrested for *raping* a man. The definition of rape was changed in the 90s. Any gender can be raped and any gender can be the perpetrator.
· 9 years ago
I used to work in records for my local law enforcement agency in the late 2000s and we had to classify the police reports according to very specific criteria that the FBI uses for crime statistics. All of the sex crimes were separated according to what was done to what part. Socially we have a broader definition of rape than we do legally. Of course that also depends on the States and their specific crime laws. In one state something could be considered rape and in another it could be considered molestation. It is all horrible and the difference in name doesn't change that.
Alright look, dammit
Rapists are gonna rape. They know it's wrong; they don't care. We clearly can't prevent them from raping, because it still happens. If you don't wanna get raped, don't wear revealing clothing to places full of rapists (like clubs) and get blackout hammered. It's common fucking sense. You don't walk around in the rockies wearing a couple of raw steaks.
I'm sorry but thats bullshit. Yeah I know the world isn't safe and you have to take care of yourself and all but are you really not going to wear an amazing dress you have just because you're afraid someone will rape you? Do you want to live in a world where you can't do anything you want to do because you might just get raped? NEVER BLAME THE VICTIM. Teach people not to rape you just can't say omg they're going to rape and nothing's going to stop them. You can change them and you need to, we need to try to make the world a better place and not accept it for the bad place it is.
No, idiot.
It's like sleeping with the door open: a silent invite.
Obviously, for brutes like you who needs tangible things, this one will elude you, but for imaterial persons who they understand each other without even open their mouth, they will know that I'm right.
What about kids who get raped? Are their clothes too revealing for you? What about make rape victims? Was his shirt too low cut for you? You can't say people get raped because of the clothing that they wear
Rapists are gonna rape. They know it's wrong; they don't care. We clearly can't prevent them from raping, because it still happens. If you don't wanna get raped, don't wear revealing clothing to places full of rapists (like clubs) and get blackout hammered. It's common fucking sense. You don't walk around in the rockies wearing a couple of raw steaks.
It's like sleeping with the door open: a silent invite.
Obviously, for brutes like you who needs tangible things, this one will elude you, but for imaterial persons who they understand each other without even open their mouth, they will know that I'm right.