This is an inaccurate image. I've seen it pop up on Tumblr before.
Obviously deforestation is a tremendous issue, but it helps to understand the pictures we're looking at as they match up with outrageously false information (particularly the dates listed and the edited image).
Well you're commenting one of the most novice, rookie troll flame-war starters ever for no reason. So...
And your appraisal is very much lacking. The validity of your reply to mine is incredibly negative. You say that you approve of this. Yes, because using an idiotic comment calling it fake and homosexual means all the compliments.
"Well you're commenting one of the most novice, rookie troll flame-war starters ever for no reason. "
"Yes it is fake, that's the joke "
This isn't a place where trolls run rampant, so it's worth it to point them out. Or is letting trolls have their way what the cool kids are doing nowadays?
And after that I don't really understand you post. My reply is invalid? I approve of something? What does that last sentence even mean? You're usually much more coherent than this.
There is no reason to point them out. You say that you approve of this post, right? How does calling it fake and gay convey that?
The last sentence was very obvious. It was sarcastic. "Because making an idiotic comment calling a post fake and homosexual means ALL the compliments." That makes sense.
There seems to be a huge disconnect in our dialog. Do you mind explaining specifically what you're talking about in relation to my comments? I'm willing to do the same if you think it'll be easier that way.
i guess I was taught wrong, but I thought that appraise meant the same (or very similar) as praise itself. Like empathy and sympathy. They're very similar except for one difference.
Oh. Okay, cool, everything makes sense now. I don't think we need this ridiculous string of comments anymore. Thanks for being patient enough to puzzle this out.
Obviously deforestation is a tremendous issue, but it helps to understand the pictures we're looking at as they match up with outrageously false information (particularly the dates listed and the edited image).
And your appraisal is very much lacking. The validity of your reply to mine is incredibly negative. You say that you approve of this. Yes, because using an idiotic comment calling it fake and homosexual means all the compliments.
2. A post doesn't have gender, so how can it be homosexual?
"Yes it is fake, that's the joke "
This isn't a place where trolls run rampant, so it's worth it to point them out. Or is letting trolls have their way what the cool kids are doing nowadays?
And after that I don't really understand you post. My reply is invalid? I approve of something? What does that last sentence even mean? You're usually much more coherent than this.
The last sentence was very obvious. It was sarcastic. "Because making an idiotic comment calling a post fake and homosexual means ALL the compliments." That makes sense.
While I'm at it, just to be sure, which comment are we talking about?