Glad I'm not the only one! I mean, so what? You're telling me that guys can wear their pants down to their knees but god forbid my bra strap shows? Screw that!
no rapunzel, the general idea is that showing your bra strap is the equivalent of guys showing their underwear. Because a bra is underwear. Either way the person looks trashy.
A bra is not underwear it's support and breasts are not genitals, now if my underwear was hanging out of my pants I understand, but my bra is not underwear and I'm not going to spend 50 extra dollars on a strapless one that doesn't even work right so that I can wear a tank top in the summer. I will not die of heat stroke for your morals.
One day I was at a math test and two of my friends (boys) were there. They started laughing and looking at me al funny and I looked down and ONE CENTIMETER of my bra strap was visible. (I was wearing a jumper). I was just like "guys you're gonna see a lot of these in your life get over it" :P
· 9 years ago
It's kind of like that gymnastic movie where the chick just learned a butt load of stuff and perfected her gymnastics and she does absolutely perfect and her bra strap showed and they took a bunch of points off, so for the rest of the competition everyone made a point to show their bra strap
Are men really that dumb? These are not for you to NOT SEE. They are for us to wear with certain outfits that doesnt go well with regular bra strips. Jfc >.<