So we just make our animals stay inside or on a leash? I really don't see the problem if you make sure they're taken care of and it's a quick run into a store before getting back in the car and continuing that ride they enjoy so much. They have fun and you're getting errands done. Win-win. Not to mention most people are wary of dogs, so they won't mess with your car. Whereas if it was a baby, beings who are far more fragile, shit can get real, real quick.
That is the kind of owner that will leave the car and ac running to keep the car a safe temperature, unfortunately just leaving the windows open isn't always enough since air circulation is needed.
So do I, I've also rewarded one idiot who left a small breed in a car with the widows up inside a carrier with a call to the local police station, the cops came out, picked the locks, took the pup (who wouldn't have lasted another hour) and drug the owner out of the local bar, last I heard he was being charged with animal cruelty among other things.
"quick runs to the store" aren't often and dog owners should first get their dogs home,than leaving them in the car.Even with open windows,water for the dog,it's not good.The temperature in the cars rises twice than it is actually in a phew minutes.I'm a dog owner and i still don't risk leaving it in the car when it's hot.And other people shouldn't too.Unless the run to the store is really important or you are sure you' re gonna come back fast.People should never risk thei pets lives,by grocery shopping at a hot day.
We don't know where the owner was.And by the note we can obviously see that he cares about his dog.
One of the few times I've had my dog in my truck with me was finding back from a vet visit and he was still in pain from getting a cancer removed and I needed to get medical supplies (bandages and such) for him so I left him in my truck with the engine idling and the air-conditioner running he was very happy and comfortable and granted I was in the store for probably 15 minutes but I cared enough for my dog to make sure he stayed at a safe temperature.
We don't know where the owner was.And by the note we can obviously see that he cares about his dog.