Did you watch the video...? She has no idea what she's talking about, she's so flustered when she talks, she went there with the purpose to start shit. Instead of educating herself on the issue at hand. She's dumb.
I wouldn't consider that knowledge. And yes I am 100% with the feminists. And just like her you obviously don't know anything about rape or rape culture. Google is a wonderful tool. Or maybe speak to women who have been through some shit to understand. Has she ever met anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted? If she has I don't think she would so ignorant. And rape culture isn't just about women, it very much so affects men. Just because it hasn't happened to you or anyone you know doesn't mean it doesn't happen on a daily basis.
Yes I have and was almost a victim myself. Luckily I had my friend on the phone, some aren't as lucky as me. Scientific proof? There's no science involved in this. umm just go on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, tumblr. Rape culture is accepted in everyday life and that is the problem. Just because this woman doesn't see it and you don't either does not mean it's not there. And if you're "sure as hell it happens on a daily basis" and are "also sure that men are affected" why deny it? Why be purposely ignorant?
· 9 years ago
You know what else happens on a daily basis, affects both men and women, and is joked about? Murder. Do we live in a murder culture? No. And when's the last time you've even heard a fucking rape joke!? We are not enveloped by rape. If we were, it would be okay. Science is in everything from math to the computer you're on. Wait, rape culture is NOT accepted those people who have something ironically rare: common sense. Humans get raped and all that, that sad and all my heart goes out to them, but we are NOT obsessing over it.
Ok I know science is in everything but what does it have to do with this? You lost me there. Right... Let's compare murder to rape. See the difference is the victim is still alive and convicting a rapist isn't the same as a murderer. Jessie smiles was raped by Curtis Lepore and I don't see him serving jail time... He got community service and probation. Is that justice for a victim!? Because taking someone's life is a more serious crime, right? If you say you hear people joke about murder but not about rape you're a fucking liar. Have you ever heard "dont drop the soap" that's rape culture. The song blurred lines IS about rape! Murdock and Santorum; their views on rape is rape culture. Google rape meme and you'll see rape culture. you're right we're not obsessing over it but we're also not saying all those things I stated above are wrong. People accept it as if it's no big deal, when it is and it's not funny.
I gave you a few examples of the MANY things that entail rape culture. Don't get frustrated because you're wrong. Come on prove me wrong, but you can't so it's cool. Keep living in your bubble.
Lol why you mad? Lmao is saying fuck you supposed to hurt my feelings? Hahahaha Like I stated... Those are a FEW of MANY examples. "Rape is sad and all that" you clearly should get educated on the matter when you obviously don't know a thing. If it were to happen to your mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, you would see things differently. A politician is someone who represents the fucking people! If they're making statements that make rape not a big fucking deal THATS A FUCKING PROBLEM!! And you are really fucking stupid because culture is not a way of life (I said earlier Google is a great tool). Who am I arguing with a fucking 13 year old? You are so dumb it's hard to keep myself from laughing.
I don't want the last word. I want you to give me sufficient evidence. And you're lacking. You're getting mad over what? Fucking facts? You're getting mad because I'm showing you proof? Lol you're very ignorant.
You are the one with the burden of proof, and you're evidence is lacking. Like this:
"Let's compare murder to rape."
Why? What does that have to with a rape culture?
"Jessie smiles was raped by Curtis Lepore and I don't see him serving jail time"
His guilt was never proven. You can't definitively claim he raped her.
"taking someone's life is a more serious crime, right?"
" If you say you hear people joke about murder but not about rape you're a fucking liar. Have you ~ Google rape meme and you'll see rape culture."
The minority of jokes, songs and political views doesn't make a culture.
See? Lacking. Your move, peach.
Well first off, where are all of serosans comments? And second I wasn't comparing rape to murder HE was if you knew how to read you would see I made that to be a dumb point. Are you 13 as well? Since your mind is so small I'll do you the favor of elaborating and waste my fucking time cause you can't read. So if curtis Lepore wasn't proven guilty by the court of law that means she wasn't raped? Are you blaming the victim? Ok... Rape culture. Rape jokes murder jokes yes I've heard them are you saying you haven't just like serosan hasn't supposedly? Google rape meme... Well did you? My shit ain't lacking toddler.
"Well first off, where are all of serosans comments?"
Yeah, wtf?
"Are you 13 as well?"
"I'll do you the favor of elaborating and waste my fucking time cause you can't read."
Why would you bother typing anything if you didn't think I could read?
"So if curtis Lepore wasn't proven guilty by the court of law that means she wasn't raped?"
No, it means we don't know for sure whether she was raped or not, so you can't say for a fact that she was.
"Are you blaming the victim?"
No, I'm not blaming anyone. I'm saying we don't know if she was a victim of anything.
"Rape jokes murder jokes yes I've heard them are you saying you haven't"
No, I've heard them, my argument is that a small minority of jokes being rape related doesn't amount to a rape culture.
"Google rape meme"
I did, and yeah there are rape joke images on the internet. That still doesn't amount to an entire culture.
"My shit ain't lacking toddler."
As I've shown above, it most certainly is. How do you define culture?
· 9 years ago
I deleted them. Consider it my way of admitting my loss.
"Let's compare murder to rape."
Why? What does that have to with a rape culture?
"Jessie smiles was raped by Curtis Lepore and I don't see him serving jail time"
His guilt was never proven. You can't definitively claim he raped her.
"taking someone's life is a more serious crime, right?"
" If you say you hear people joke about murder but not about rape you're a fucking liar. Have you ~ Google rape meme and you'll see rape culture."
The minority of jokes, songs and political views doesn't make a culture.
See? Lacking. Your move, peach.
Yeah, wtf?
"Are you 13 as well?"
"I'll do you the favor of elaborating and waste my fucking time cause you can't read."
Why would you bother typing anything if you didn't think I could read?
"So if curtis Lepore wasn't proven guilty by the court of law that means she wasn't raped?"
No, it means we don't know for sure whether she was raped or not, so you can't say for a fact that she was.
"Are you blaming the victim?"
No, I'm not blaming anyone. I'm saying we don't know if she was a victim of anything.
"Rape jokes murder jokes yes I've heard them are you saying you haven't"
No, I've heard them, my argument is that a small minority of jokes being rape related doesn't amount to a rape culture.
"Google rape meme"
I did, and yeah there are rape joke images on the internet. That still doesn't amount to an entire culture.
"My shit ain't lacking toddler."
As I've shown above, it most certainly is. How do you define culture?