That's not how it works at all. Nothing in genetics is ever caused so rapidly. A better explanation is that two brown-eyed people who had the mutated recessive b gene, so called heterozygotes with the Bb genes, had a kid who had the bb gene set. You see, brown eyed people can either have BB or Bb genes (B = brown, b = blue). Since B is dominant and b is recessive, a person with Bb will have brown eyes. A person with BB will also have brown eyes. And a person with bb will have blue eyes. I know it's very confusing the way I tell it, but it's high school biology, I thought people would know that. Now green eyes, on the other hand, are a genetic anomaly. According to the statistics, only 1-2% of people have them. I'm a proud greeneye :3
Modern research has actually disproved that blue eyes are caused by a recessive gene. They are caused by a mutated gene that prevents the delivery of melanin to the eye which gives it its color. My eyes are green as well :)
Well, I don't think we can really say that and be 100% sure. It probably became so common that over time we just started calling it a recessive gene, but nothing is 100% in genetics. Example: there's a plant (forgot its name) that has light spots on its leaves, and it's natural. The reason for that is that the plant was infected by a parasite a long, long time ago, and it developed these spots because it looked like it had the parasite. Now don't take my word on it, what I'm telling are things that my biology teacher told me, besides I don't know why would a plant develop this, it's not like you can fool bacteria with looks. But it's what she said anyway. So, my guess is that most (or maybe even all) recessive genes are just slightly more common ancient mutations. Even blond hair used to be a mutation, I think.
The genetics of eye color are actually way more complicated than just the whole "punnet square, recessive, dominant, 2 gene" stuff you learn in high school. There's multiple genes involved that interact.
Okay, I have a question. Can someone explain to me how my eyes change from blue to green? I was born blue and both my parents are blue but I notice that my eyes change green around summer and back to a vibrant blue at fall or winter