Anyone who is ignorant enough to think someone else is unworthy of love from another individual because they are the same gender is irrelevant. Sexuality doesn't matter, really. As long is someone is happy with who they are and who they are with, why try to mess it up?
Wow. I didn't even notice anything different about the couples until I saw the sign of the last one. But I don't see why it should matter . Love is love
I don't understand how you can say you don't care, but then follow that right up by saying you don't think it looks right. Obviously you care enough to think it doesn't look 'right'.
· 9 years ago
I mean it as in if i see two men or two women kissing eachother it doesmt seem right to me
Its just the way i naturally feel about it
You do realize that's a problematic opinion, right? I mean, if I said it doesn't seem right when a woman has a job, I'd still be sexist even if I added "it's just the way I feel" or "but personally I don't care".
Obviously I can't force you to change the way you view same-sex relationships, but I ask you to please recognize that you are in fact somewhat prejudiced against gay people.
No you just said it seems wrong. Homophobia isn't only about open hate, it's about fear and seeing it as something "wrong". Maybe you should do some reading and get to know more about it, then it might now seem so strange and not ok, being homophobic isnt the end of a conversation, it the beginning of a new understanding :)
· 9 years ago
This is what i love about the internet. You express your opinion and those who disagree suddenly hate you with a burning passion. I understand that there are some who disagree with me but i dont care, and i know there are some who agree with me and i dont care about that either.
Talking snakes and making women marry their rapists? Yeah the bible should be a step by step guide as to how we should live our life and how we should judge others for sure. Oh wait isn't it God's job to judge? And doesn't he love all of his children? Jesus died for our "sins" right? Or did I just misinterpret the bible?
Its just the way i naturally feel about it
Obviously I can't force you to change the way you view same-sex relationships, but I ask you to please recognize that you are in fact somewhat prejudiced against gay people.