I don't get why people are so against vertical filming, if you see some crime happening the first thing you think is, "ooh, lemme video tape this!" not "I'll videotape this horizontally because people will hate me". why are y'all complaining about EVERYTHING nowadays.
also, if the video is made for viewing on a phone, then vertical video isn't a problem. the real problem is if you have to watch it on a TV or computer where there will be black bars, but if the video is going to stay on your phone, then it's fine.
(Why is vertical video so bad but when we take pictures vertically it's no big deal? doesn't make sense.)
I think the real problem is that websites like YouTube don't accomadate vertical videos like they should. the player should resize to fit the video imo.
Actually, a vertical shot would be better for this situation. As you are trying to get a portrait shot of the sea monster, it is better. The object is the sea monster, not the landscape
(Why is vertical video so bad but when we take pictures vertically it's no big deal? doesn't make sense.)
I think the real problem is that websites like YouTube don't accomadate vertical videos like they should. the player should resize to fit the video imo.
Let me dream