It's okay to tell girls that *boys* do that, because its true. But make sure to differentiate between boys and men, and then describe how a man should treat a girl he likes.
You know, Little girls are every bit as violent toward little boys. I had ten times more girls hurt me BAD when I was in grade school than boys. But you're not supposed to hit a girl! This twofaced "girls are born enlightened" pseudophilosophy is bullshit, especially considering today's world where women fight in combat, can be police and fbi agents, fight ufc champuonships, but somehow, even though the bitches are as tough as men on every level, men can't hit back. This sick sociopathic mindset starts in grade school where all boys are brainwashed to think women are born morally superior to and more intelligent than themselves (which is a communist lie). Fact is that 4 out of 5 molestation cases in Florida are charges brought against women. Men, wake up and get your balls back from your teacher's purse, spineless pussies.
So maybe if we teach little girls that they are simply human people whom the Law demands follow the moral code of society, instead of public schools inculcating every little girl in the nation that everything she feels cannot be questioned because she is divine, perhaps then women today wouldn't bellyache about the consequences of their inconsiderate and abusive posturing, spending her life blaming someone else for her screw-ups. Instead we might have a balanced society of responsible individuals who understand that no one in life is entitled to anything they didn't work very hard for.
That was my point, long-winded as is was. Read it again from that viewpoint.
· 9 years ago
It has nothing to do with crush or affection, the only reason 50 shades is shelved as "romance" is cause the guy is a billionaire. Just imagine if he was poor and wanted to beat her.
Then make girls understand that guys don't want sex automatically with any girl who offers. Why girls believe this is beyond me. Oh wait it's what they tell each other so they pretend to have a reason to hate men, because in reality, men are PEOPLE who CARE for their loved ones and work themselves to death for their families. Modern western women live in a fantasy world of their own making, and so many millions of men and children suffer daily for women's self-inflicted psychosis that all society groans under their Satanic hypocrisy.
Oh my! Honor codes are outmoded so here's your honor code that doesn't sound like an honor code? You can't escape the honor code of the golden rule. It's what makes this world work. Ifvwhat you say is true, then men and women should hire out their children to factories, since the self-sacrifice of providing for a family is outdated. It's only outdated in fat western society. Without an honor code, we're just a society of thieves and murderers bent on justification of our selfish actions OH WAIT
BDSM is entirely consentual. If it's not consentual, it's abuse.