Let's put it this way.I forgot the word so I'll say a storyline form. To be a bad person is easy. One bad thing can make you a bad person. Example..murder. doesn't matter if you spent your whole life making up for a murder. At the end of the day. You are a murder. However when it comes to being a good person, it takes every ounce of behavior and patience to be that person. It takes a life long commit to truly be good. So if a person, man or women has not been given that conformation that he or she is desirable in a sexual manner and someone comes along saying omg your beautiful. . Well. Can you blame them for not believing you? It's more likely that those people are trying to get something from you rather than really meaning it. And if any guys read this far. Action s matter. Actions sometimes more than words make a women feel needed, beautiful. Maybe men who hear this should take a look at their actions!. Be passionate we LOVE that.
but cows are sacred in my coutry