

Valve Fanboy
Space Marine
Heavy weapons guy
Other stuff about myself
Science is love, Science is life

— Sirspacedino Report User
Destroy the human form 7 comments
sirspacedino · 6 years ago
Repost from reddit
Spiders in an alternate universe 15 comments
sirspacedino · 6 years ago
Making a plant illegal 5 comments
sirspacedino · 7 years ago
>>>>>your name is "Devil's Ball Sack"
>>>>>Fuck off
The Pokémon feels ;_; 18 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
?? The dog survives...
Fellowship of the ring 15 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Jfc THATS edgy shit.
19 year old Soviet sniper with 54 confirmed kills in WW2 13 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Boi you stole this off Reddit.
The Pokémon feels ;_; 18 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Growlithe in the first pic reminds me of that dog from Valiant Hearts
5 · Edited 8 years ago
Bigger the nails, bigger the scumbag stacy 15 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
The paint is cool, but just why are the sharp and pointy? Just why?
Sup brony 67 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Always prepared 3 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Tis' but a scratch!
14 · Edited 8 years ago
Just some food for thought 11 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
But we don't have the power to turn another planet into earth... Maybe in a hundred years, but not now.
I would be happy for my cello 4 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Next up on stories that never happened!
NOPE. Old school will always be the best 13 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Gumball's visual style is amazing.
How to get blacklisted 15 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Or, seeing how young they are, they didn't. Retard
How to get blacklisted 15 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Good job, teaching children how to flip off people. Retard.
Appreciate the compliment 24 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Isn't that like, a 3rd grader thing to say? I haven't heard anyone say that in years.
5 · Edited 8 years ago
Comprehensive map of all countries that use the MMDDYYYY date format 33 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Holy shit Alaska is big
When my friends get b*tchy with me. 2 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Basically me
That's god damn right 24 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
It isn't a he/she, it's an it. That's what transgender people are.
The future 9 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Or, ya know, some overweight guy saw a cool product and he checked it out, like most people do, skinny or fat.
Sleep safe 16 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Yeah if a murderer comes from my closet I can just dive out of the door
Sleep safe 16 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
I do it
Anybody else able to do this? 23 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Hah! I don't dream! And I'm a gamer!
Every ideology that has ever existed 3 comments
sirspacedino · 8 years ago
Fuck off