What even is the gay agenda? Like is a gay dude looking into his day planner and going "ah yes, 9 AM, turn the world gay" and then laugh evilly to himself?
· 9 years ago
9 AM: Go to WBC and profusely make out with another male
Gay Agenda:
Step 1: Gain gay rights
Step 2: Turn everyone else gay with demonic powers
Step 3: Conquer world
Step 4: Destruction of the Universe
Of course don't forget the evil laughter!
Still wrong. It's not love. It's weakness of the human flesh. God made man a companion because he said it was not good for man to be alone. He then made a woman to be his companion. If he thought it was best to have given Adam a man then he would have done so. But he didn't. For those that are "Gay Christians" it doesn't even make sense to call yourself so, because you are refuting what God says is wrong and are contradicting your beliefs. God says it is an abomination for man to lay with man. Or woman to lay with woman. So when you say fine, that's just the way I am but I won't act on it, well isn't that letting the weakness of the flesh win over your desire to serve God and live in his image as he wants us to? It's possible to be an ex homosexual. By recognizing your sin and repenting from it. Denying yourself and living for Christ. I'm not hating anyone, I think there are consequences for this and I care enough to give caution. If you want to listen then please do.I won't force you.
· 9 years ago
Ya you can go fuck yourself, it's legal across 50 states it's not you're life let them be and let them love, stop judgin and live you're life
· 9 years ago
There is no such thing as being an ex homosexual. Homosexuality is caused by a problem in your brain which results in you having the feelings normal for the opposite sex towards your sex. Even though it's caused by a problem, homosexuals are people just like us and must be treated that way. You can't shed something embedded in your DNA. How many people do you know who managed to change their DNA just by thinking hard enough? And if you're playing the christianity card, then there's two contradictions. One, christianity has changed a LOT from what it originally was. Mamy beliefs have been shed, so saying it's against your religion is kinda a lie, as if you're a complete christian, then you've sinned yourself, dozens of times. Christianity is changing gradually and accepting new things, and so it and you should accept different sexual orientations than yours. Also, I hate to say this, but what proof do you have of a god? How can one be in charge of you, if you have no proof it's there?
This made no sense you said being gay is a problem and then ended with no god
· 9 years ago
I said that you can't be an ex homosexual because it's a mental thing, but it is NOT a problem. And I also said that homosexuals must be treated like everyone else. And then I said if you're debating it via religion, then one, christianity has 'forgotten' about a lot of old rules and also, there is no proof of a deity saying to hate on gays.
Oh but technically you can you might go through a phase
· 9 years ago
Think of it like this. Can you through a phase of having a third hand? No? That's because the two hands thing is in your DNA! And so is your sexual orientation
Step 1: Gain gay rights
Step 2: Turn everyone else gay with demonic powers
Step 3: Conquer world
Step 4: Destruction of the Universe
Of course don't forget the evil laughter!
*show violent gay porn*
*locks doors*
*reflects light everywhere*
*sends to gay guys to makeout wearing America flag spedos