Tumblr in a nutshell 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Tell me what this show Is
Kids were asked about marriage and their answers are priceless 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I thought the second one's name said 'Cunt' I was like who named their kid that
Why are they charging $13 for an empty box? 10 comments
Why are they charging $13 for an empty box? 10 comments
This abandoned hospital had a visitor last night 15 comments
Slayyyyyyyyy 2 comments
· 9 years ago
Hopefully they look the same and aren't changed up like the Scooby-Doo characters were
Christmas Decorations for the year 7 comments
"WE WILL FALL, WE WILL- go left you dumbass... WE WILL DIE UP HERE!!" 8 comments
· 9 years ago
But won't that hurt or affect their hips ? Or legs ? Sitting In that bag like that ..
Smartphones in the future 6 comments
A big Caterpillar...Wait what? 4 comments
· 9 years ago
When I first saw the picture I was like "Fuck you no way" Then I saw It Was Just birds
Always.. 5 comments
Confetti + egg = so much fun 15 comments