My country hasn't legalized same sex marriage yet. A lot of people have been fighting for it but they never listened. Gay couples had to get married overseas to get what they want. It's pretty sad for those people :(
Where do you live? My country was the first country to legalize gay marriage! I live in The Netherlands.
· 9 years ago
Philippines. A lot of us approve of same sex marriage, but we understand it's gonna take a while before that's approved. We still have a strict Christian influence so the church still has a lot of influence. But we do have religious leaders thinking of it as equality and a privilege to people owning up to who they are, and their numbers are increasing.
So is this a new federal law? I'm all for legalizing it but this bothers my libertarian leanings as I think this is something that constitutionally should be up to the individual states. Or did he just repeal DOMA?
That makes sense. But does that actually accomplish anything? I'm not aware of any outright bans just states that haven't recognized a new definition for marriage yet. Wouldn't the states still have to do that on their own?
I don't know. I'm an outsider, I just read an article about it. Sorry!
· 9 years ago
I'll have to research it then. I just know that sometimes our politicians are good at doing things that look nice but don't actually do anything and that's annoying.
There were several states that had complete bans on same-sex marriage. There were also several states who just simply didn't recognize same-sex marriage. But most states (38 to be exact) had already legalized same-sex marriage, and there were plenty more that were considering legalizing it. So really, the Supreme Court just sped up the process on something that was already bound to happen anyway.
· 9 years ago
So it looks good for them but is almost pointless since it was only a matter of time anyway. Just in time for presidential candidates to say they supported it...
I guess if you want to look at it that way, the elections /might/ have had something to do with it. But marriage equality has been a hot topic for quite a long time and this ruling is long overdue, so, to be honest, I'm not really concerned with why it was legalized at this specific point in time, I'm just glad it was. Their intentions may possibly not have been in the right place, but the outcome is still something to celebrate.
· 9 years ago
Agreed on that. For me it's kind of a given that politicians always time things to have the best impact for their reelections.
Also, the equal marriage is the least of our problems. That still means that people can be homophobic and queers will still be frowned upon and still get hurt and still get fired from their job the day after the wedding. This is just a tiny step towards equality between queers and straights. Kindly remember the amount of people who will forever resent queers because of this.
We got the l and g covered but what about the t? Trans people are still dehumanized and getting killed but that is getting more awareness now too.
Also, don't forget the holy trinity of invisible sexualities: bisexuality, pansexuality, and asexuality. Those still are considered fake and non-existent. They're still considered as straight people with an exception/straight people who can't choose/and people who are too childish and are afraid of sex, which isn't the case most of the time.
In conclusion, we still have a long way to go.
Ignorance: Exhibit A
It's possible to not have sexual feelings towards people. Asexual people can have romantic feelings and cuddle, hold hand, etc. with another human, but they don't want to have sex with them. Kindly remember that sex isn't a necessary human need. People can live without it and some just don't feel the urge to do it. Asexuality could have always been there or it could have been caused by something, but it's most commonly the first one. There, now you're educated on this topic.
there's reproducing asexually, and then there's the sexual orientation "asexual". But by the looks of it, you're commenting to piss people off so meh. Also, thanks mandag
I hope now that even Texas has same sex marriage my country gets its act together and legalizes same sex marriage. I'm so angry that one single party is able to deny legalizing same sex marriage though all the other parties are in favor. All gay couples get in my country is a civil partnership. They act like they give them equal rights but they don't really. I'm so happy for the U.S. for this great step in the right direction. Hope Germany will follow soon!
To the guest before me:
Being apathetic about same-sex relationships or marriages WILL HARM THE PEOPLE IN THEM. Let's say an entire country was apathetic to that, it would mean that the LGBT community wouldn't be supported, and so negative comments about them would affect them more. If, however, they were given support and validation from the community around them, it would benefit both them and everyone else.
To the second guest: My God does not have anything against homosexuals. I don't know where some Christians take the right to call homosexuality a sin and see it as their sole purpose to keep them from living their lives. And as an adult who suffered through 10 years of biology class in school I know that EVERYONE gets STDs and Aids. There is no causal link between homosexuality and STDs/Aids.
Sincerely, First Guest
I think he's said before that he, as a Christian, doesn't morally support it, but that he legally has no right to deny gay people their right to marry and doesn't think his own personal opinion should stand in the way of justice. Or something like that...
Yeah this is so great...also it shouldn't even matter that it's not funny...remember...the is is funsubstance...not funnysubstance...some people canny tell the difference
It's not up to Obama as to what happens to the country. Obama did try to do most of the things he promised but when he proposes something it has to go through the court and that's where the Republicans screw it up.... So.....
In some cases, yes, they can be perfectly happy without getting married, but in some cases, no- it depends on the couple and what they want in life. There are a lot of benefits that come with marriage.
In my country the rights to adopt a child are linked to marriage so homosexual partners can't adopt children here because they can't marry eachother in the same way heterosexual partners can. Marriage is a concept that has been created by humans long ago. We need to adapt this concept to the reality of our world. We always did that. The Bible says that you can't say no to your partner if he/she wants to have sex. You're his/her partner so you have to give your body to him/her if he/she wants it. The Bible says that's your duty. Today we say that is rape. Because we see that this rule does not fit into our society. So we got rid of it. Not letting homosexuals marry is the same thing. We need to get rid of it because it does not match today's society anymore.
· 9 years ago
Where is that from in the bible? I'm familiar with it talking about agreeing to not consummate for a bit but it's put forth as both being in agreement.
We got the l and g covered but what about the t? Trans people are still dehumanized and getting killed but that is getting more awareness now too.
Also, don't forget the holy trinity of invisible sexualities: bisexuality, pansexuality, and asexuality. Those still are considered fake and non-existent. They're still considered as straight people with an exception/straight people who can't choose/and people who are too childish and are afraid of sex, which isn't the case most of the time.
In conclusion, we still have a long way to go.
It's possible to not have sexual feelings towards people. Asexual people can have romantic feelings and cuddle, hold hand, etc. with another human, but they don't want to have sex with them. Kindly remember that sex isn't a necessary human need. People can live without it and some just don't feel the urge to do it. Asexuality could have always been there or it could have been caused by something, but it's most commonly the first one. There, now you're educated on this topic.
Being apathetic about same-sex relationships or marriages WILL HARM THE PEOPLE IN THEM. Let's say an entire country was apathetic to that, it would mean that the LGBT community wouldn't be supported, and so negative comments about them would affect them more. If, however, they were given support and validation from the community around them, it would benefit both them and everyone else.
Sincerely, First Guest