Ya know what bugs me when people say to my friends hey take your flag of your tuck and the flag that they say take down the U.S.M.C flag and the only thing that the assholes at the school is a rifle people schold say hey man I like your flag hey man good luck in boot camp
I'm talking to gwandoya, who addressed jesus_christ with an entirely new comment, rather than just replying. Use some context clues; the world doesn't revolve around you.
I guess from now on I cannot even assume that the people here can understand anything that is not explicitly written out for them.
If I could change history, I'd go back to just before the civil war started, help the south win, BUT get rid of slavery. (Which I think we would have done, had we won)
The real question is, if the guy that shot those 9 people, had an American flag, would we ban that too? And man, I've got this Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt with a confederate flag on it...still debating if I should wear it when I go to DC....
Slavery was a very big reason the war started yes, but the main factor was states rights, not just to own slaves! But many other things. Slavery was a crucial part of the southern economy at the time. If the south had won, slavery would have gone on maybe a few more years, but as soon as the south realized that, to be recognized as a civilized nation by the rest of the wold, they needed to abolish slavery, it would have been done peacefully, and 600,000 American soldiers wouldn't have died if Mr. Lincoln had just let them have Ft. Sumpter
Actually I disagree. I think that slavery was far and away the biggest factor in both secession and the war. Yes it was about state rights, but the state right that was by far the most important was the ability to allow slavery. Because of this, I highly doubt that the Confederacy would quickly abolish the institution that it was created in large part to protect. Sure they might have abolished slavery a few decades later, but definitely not within a few years. All that I'm saying is that people shouldn't celebrate a nation that was created in large part to continue the institution of slavery.
slavery was a large factor, however, it was more about the economy. because the North at the time was moving on from farms to factories. most people worked in factories and shops rather than farms. the South, on the other hand, largely depended on the farming businesses. the larger farms claimed they couldn't stay in business without slaves. they thought the NORTH were the big, rich men that were trying to put them out of business. in the middle of all this there were disputes about state's rights and how both sides were trying to control the economic situation of the entire country. However, for whatever reason, in schools nowadays they slam it down people's throats that it was all about slavery and nothing else.
Alright, as someone who was raised in another country, can someone explain to me what the big deal is with the confederate flag, because I don't get it.
100 years ago it ment the south in the American civil war the south needs black people as slaves and the north didn't (south big plantations north industry)
The US had a civil war over a century ago.
The southern states wanted to leave the Union, Lincoln wanted to keep the Union whole.
During the war, the southern (confederate) States were appealing to Europe for help, so Lincoln made a big show of acting like the only issue in the war was slavery because Europe would've aided the confederates otherwise.
Some people are convinced that the Confederate flag represents slavery, so they want it banned.
Except the declarations of southern states attempting the secession that began the war explicitly mention the states being allowed to own slaves as the divisive issue. The big thing about the Confederate flage today is that white southerners view it as a symbol of history, which it is, and black Americans see it as a symbol of slavery, which it ALSO is. Like many aspects of history, it has a double narrative that means different things to different people. The huge issue is that the flag is plastered literally everywhere in the south, has been hijacked by hate groups, and is viciously protected by much of the older white south who understandably wants to have a heritage to protect. They see the removal of the flag as a disrespect to the thousands of Americans that died fighting amongst ourselves, while black Americans see it as a symbol of the millions of slaves that died and of the modern active hate groups. Many whites swear this doesn't exist.
· 9 years ago
I find it funny that when someone doesnt really approve of homosexuality that other people just hate them because they have a different view to them
Personally i dont care about someones sexuality but if someone doesnt like homosexual stuff i will let them have and express their opinion
· 9 years ago
Yeah, but its all messed up if they dont have the same rights
· 9 years ago
Yeah, like i dont really care about anyone getting married tbh but if someone is against it thats fine and if someone is for it thats also fine, just dont go shaming people and putting them down if they dont share the same opinion as you
kyr I see what you're saying, but to many people the confederate flag gives a message of hate because the confederacy was formed over the issue of slavery and many modern hate groups also employ the confederate flag
okay I'm all for marriage equality don't get me wrong but we can't forget our history. taking down the confederate flag? not cool. how can we avoid another civil war if we pretend the last one didn't happen? (btw, I'm not from the South)
but celebrating it? Not forgetting our history and the war are all great but I don't think that we should celebrate a state that was formed to protect the right to own slaves
I never said we should celebrate it. I just think the whole idea of removing the Confederate Flag from everything is a bad idea. in fact it's just going to make people fight more which separates them more. remembering what it stood for and how those ideas separated us is exactly why we shouldn't ban it.
ok. That's fair. But many of the supporters/users of the confederate flag use it in support of what it represents, not as a reasonable reminder of the history
many, but not most. you're totally right the supporters are wrong but most people who wear it don't support it, they're just standing with their history. i know many of these people because even though I'm originally from the north I live in the south now
I guess from now on I cannot even assume that the people here can understand anything that is not explicitly written out for them.
The southern states wanted to leave the Union, Lincoln wanted to keep the Union whole.
During the war, the southern (confederate) States were appealing to Europe for help, so Lincoln made a big show of acting like the only issue in the war was slavery because Europe would've aided the confederates otherwise.
Some people are convinced that the Confederate flag represents slavery, so they want it banned.
Personally i dont care about someones sexuality but if someone doesnt like homosexual stuff i will let them have and express their opinion
Is the big
(And also us others, trans and queer and all that stuff)