I don't... I dont even take selfies unless I look absolutely ridiculous (like during photoshoots) or when I feel really attractive, and even then its generally just a smile.
· 9 years ago
You're profile picture is the crop
· 9 years ago
That wasn't really a selfie, though. That was a professionally taken photo that I didn't have much of a say in. Though I liked the outcome.
ALRIGHTTT I just want to get a thing out there; what's with the selfie shaming nowadays? "It was different during the older times ugh" yeah true, people got PAINTINGS made of themselves, wasting many hours instead of snapping a picture. "I've never done any of those I'm so proud!" you're such a special snowflake aren't you? "Only dumb attention whores do these" seriously. No. Just let people get their cameras out there and let them take their damn selfies and pose however they want. Don't be fucking mean.
· 9 years ago
I'm not saying it's bad I'm
Saying it's what girls do
Oh no no, I'm not pointing at *you* specifically, not at all. Mainly the ones right above me, going "dumb attention whores do", "NOOOT ALLLL GIIIRLS DOOO" and "I'm proud to say I've never done any of these" and so on.
Yeah, it's obvious you're pointing out my comment. Firstly, you may have at least had the balls to respond directly instead of throwing a bitch fit on the side, but whatever. Secondly, nobody is saying it was different in the old times, people painted portraits, self portraits, anything. Actually I think it'd be pretty neat to have a portrait painted, especially if it was one like in The picture of Dorian Gray.
But my point is, all this false acceptance is bull and you know it. You see people criticizing other people, and I think in this case justly, because attention seeking and vanity are not positive attributes, and what do you do? Tell people to stop criticizing and instead let our society to turn into a bunch of vanity-ridden apes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with critique, especially if it's just, because it keeps people from turning into regressive idiots. If nobody ever criticized anything you've done, you'd turn into one too, as much as anyone else would.
Whoa there. Didn't mean to "throw a bitch fit". Just got a little annoyed by the fact that posing for a selfie apparently is only for "dumb attention whores", which I think is false. Regarding the "old times", it was just an example of what I've heard others say; NOT something I based on the comments of this post. Which also means the "bitch fit" of mine was not pointing at you only. Which also is why I didn't reply directly to your comment, you see? At least I have the balls to reply to your reply now. Posing for a selfie =/= "attention whoring" in my opinion. Posing for a selfie won't tear our society apart more than anything else would. And how on earth isn't it more self-centered/attention seeking to waste hours and hours on a portrait than snapping a picture?
EDIT: absolutely, critique is great as long as it's just (like you said) and I agree with you on that, but honestly, there are far more important things to criticise than posing for a selfie don't you think?
Saying it's what girls do
But my point is, all this false acceptance is bull and you know it. You see people criticizing other people, and I think in this case justly, because attention seeking and vanity are not positive attributes, and what do you do? Tell people to stop criticizing and instead let our society to turn into a bunch of vanity-ridden apes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with critique, especially if it's just, because it keeps people from turning into regressive idiots. If nobody ever criticized anything you've done, you'd turn into one too, as much as anyone else would.
EDIT: absolutely, critique is great as long as it's just (like you said) and I agree with you on that, but honestly, there are far more important things to criticise than posing for a selfie don't you think?