Ok I like the post and everything but seriously this little girl is prettier than I will ever be it kills me how did she get so blessed with those looks
Are you kidding me? That show sucked. And how did she see it, does any channel even show reruns of it right now? (lets see who else was born in the early 80's and gets this)
Still wrong. It's not love. It's weakness of the human flesh. God made man a companion because he said it was not good for man to be alone. He then made a woman to be his companion. If he thought it was best to have given Adam a man then he would have done so. But he didn't. For those that are "Gay Christians" it doesn't even make sense to call yourself so, because you are refuting what God says is wrong and are contradicting your beliefs. God says it is an abomination for man to lay with man. Or woman to lay with woman. So when you say fine, that's just the way I am but I won't act on it, well isn't that letting the weakness of the flesh win over your desire to serve God and live in his image as he wants us to? It's possible to be an ex homosexual. By recognizing your sin and repenting from it. Denying yourself and living for Christ. I'm not hating anyone, I think there are consequences for this and I care enough to give caution. If you want to listen then please do.I won't force you.
Please keep religion off of this page. I for one, am not interested. If I'm going to go to hell for expressing love, then I dont need heaven anyway. Love thy neighbor, right? I guess ill be in hell for kissing girls. Peace!
· 9 years ago
Hey guest how about you and all the other people who are against gay marriage first try to fix the sin of divorce before trying to bash gay marriage. Divorce is a sin just the same as you feel gay marriage is.
Yeah. It also says in the bible not to eat shrimp. And if you're married to marry your rapist. And not to mix different materials together when you make clothes. So seriously. Love is the least of your worries.
· 9 years ago
How can there be ex homosexuals? It's caused by an irregularity in the brain, not by a phase or anything!
Its also an abomination to eat shell fish or wear different kind of cloth at once, infact you get stoned to death for that one....I don't see you worrying about my soul over that? You don't care about god, your just masking your homophobia with religion. If there is a god I think he'd be more pissed at you.
There may be anti gay things in the bible but the single biggest message is to love others, and jesus never said a thing about gays, isn't being Christian aboit trying to be like him? How can you call yourself Christian while preaching hatred and condemnation instead of love and forgiveness? People like you give christians a bad name
In the bible it actually says to love thy neighbor. I'm pretty sure God would rather have you follow that. Plus for all of us gays who don't believe in God we should not have to abide to your guidelines. America is a free country, not a Christian one. We should therefore allow this legal gay marriage because Christianity has nothing to do with it.