Feminism is the idea that men and women are equal, so why are people so set on changing the name! oh my god.
from what I understand many men are worried about supporting feminism because it has 'feminine' in it. Which is ridiculous!
If you change the name, absolutely nothing will happen to the cause. Stop worrying about the term and start supporting the equality of both genders.
Men such as me dont like the term "feminism" when referring to Equality because the very title is very biased towards one gender rather than being neutral. We aren't afraid of it because it has the word 'feminine' in it, it just doesn't represent us.
I believe it's like that because the cause tends to fight more for women because it's the women who tend to not get equal rights, less pay ect.
it may not represent men because it's mostly women that the need to be risen to the same level as men.
But on some occasions, men need to be risen to the level of women.
It's also due to the idea that it is fighting for female rights and the idea that a man can have more traditionally feminine roles and characteristics.
Because " man " used to be a gender neutral term. About a thousand years ago it was, then became almost exclusive to men, and the turn of the 20th century it did.
Women were basically " female humans " and men " male humans " as man was a broad term for everyone.
Actually it's called femenism because it's about lifting women to the same level as men, equalism would imply that men were being lowered as women were being lifted so that the would meet in the middle.
men (or anyone) wanting to change the name so they feel more comfortable with the idea is exactly why we need feminism (I made the same point as this post a while back but I've since changed my mind)
This is just my own personal interpretation, and I am a male who supports equality regardless of gender, race, religion, etc...but maybe most people would be interested in a cause if they were informed about it in a respectful way, and were given the opportunity to have a reasonable and logical conversation about it. I'm not saying that anyone is guaranteed to agree, but how likely is someone to agree with or respect the opinion of some maniac angrily shouting profanity at them to get their point across? It's all around, look through the comments on this post, even. If you disagree with me, that's okay but honestly, I feel the people who are incapable of expressing themselves in a manner becoming of an important social issue, are a huge part of the problem they're attempting to combat.
guys, feminism is a range of movements and ideologies to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. It is called FEMInism because in the past, the female gender was seen as inferior to the male therefore, feminism was created to establish that females are E Q U A L to males. It is advocating for the EQUALITY of the genders.
We need feminism because men already are viewed as the stronger sex feminism isn't trying to demote the male sex its trying to equal them out, if u wanted to change the name the logic would imply: Oh men are respected more in the work place Oh the women aren't treated with respect, they both have jobs so they are equal
Men are viewed as the stronger sex but that can also be damaging. They have a lot of things worse such as not being allowed to cry ( men and females both make fun of crying males ), the shit end in court cases against women, and they HAVE to sign up for the draft or else face legal consequences and fines and maybe even jailtime
Yeah, well the last guy who promoted Equalism started going around wearing masks and stealing people's bending and stuff. We're not too keen on that little phasa again.
Let me tell you one fucking thing OP and let this serve as a reminder the next time you wanna post shit like this.Feminism is something that supports feminism and is mostly ran by women,not men.We already have a fucking word for this it's called egalitarian.It supports both women and men's rights.At this point first world feminism is even less about women's rights and is now all about how women enforce their victim mentality.
TL:DR:Feminism doesn't equal Egalitarianism
just a thought but... have you ever considered that more men would be involved if it didn't have the prefix for feminine in it? feminism isn't exactly a gender neutral term so of course men wouldn't want to support it and with all the misandrist and chauvinist out there it makes people want to support it even less.
It is rare to see feminism used for what it should nowadays, supporting equal right
Most "Feminists" just want female dominace, and it disgusts me, because they claim that they are "feminists" whilst completly missing the point!
I agree with you! Some people who call themselves feminists are really just sexist towards men. Realistically, though, there are more people who are sexist towards women. Which is why I feel that misandrists who call themselves feminists are probably the minority. If the issue with the name is that sexism towards men then I don't think that we should change the name because of a few misandrists who call themselves feminists. However, I think that the issue is more like representation for men. In that case, I still don't think that we should change the name because, while sexism DOES affect men, realistically, the sexism issues for women are of a far greater scale and there are many more of them. For example, sexism towards men generally takes place in terms of harmful gender norms such as "men shouldn't cry" or "men have to be really tough" or "only the father in the family has to go out and have a job" - all of these things are really really harmful and sexist, and they should be
Stopped but issues for women are things like the wage gap (where women are paid less than men), or the fact that in Saudi Arabia, it is illegal for women to vote or drive, or the issue of child brides or that marital rape is legal in some places. So, in my personal opinion, men's issues are VERY important and should be taken care of and stopped but, realistically, there are a lot more of women's issues (especially women of colour and women in developing countries) and they are much much more severe, which is why feminism exists in the first place. So really, I think that the name isn't a very smart reason to say that you aren't a feminist. Sorry for the long comment. Thoughts?
Shelter for anyone in need
from what I understand many men are worried about supporting feminism because it has 'feminine' in it. Which is ridiculous!
If you change the name, absolutely nothing will happen to the cause. Stop worrying about the term and start supporting the equality of both genders.
it may not represent men because it's mostly women that the need to be risen to the same level as men.
But on some occasions, men need to be risen to the level of women.
Women were basically " female humans " and men " male humans " as man was a broad term for everyone.
TL:DR:Feminism doesn't equal Egalitarianism
Most "Feminists" just want female dominace, and it disgusts me, because they claim that they are "feminists" whilst completly missing the point!