never mind the thousands of other visual indicators that a person isn't healthy, lets go straight for far people. god no way they are healthy ugghh. hate those fat slugs with the spinal injuries using their constant physical pain as an excuse to not exercise and sully my view with their nasty rolls. and those ones with the glandular problems... get a real disease that i don't have to research to understand blechh making me walk slower if you're in front of me! gotta hate unhealthy people, thinking they have the right to live their lives alongside us without being mocked.
You can't be healthy and fat. It's a proven fact. You can't be healthy and super skinny. It's a proven fact. You CAN be a little bit chubby or a tad skinnier than the norm, but shaming or faming morbidly fat or skinny people isn't going to help.
· 9 years ago
Yes you can!! See above. If you exercise, eat right, have low blood pressure, cholesterol then by definition you are healthy.
By definition you are not healthy if you are too skinny or too fat. Callitlife3 got it right. WHO classified health as being “a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” How can you achieve physical wellbeing when you are not physically able to perform because you are excessively fat or dangerously skinny? Either way, you would most likely have a lack of muscle mass, dexterity and/or energy reserve.
Hey guest...guess what? I am 20 pounds overweight and am extremely healthy. Work out 3 times a week, usually, walk at every opportunity instead of driving my car. Am stronger than my husband. Have very low resting heart rate, good blood pressure, etc. So guest, shut up!
I'm very sure those are not signs of good physical health