

Potterhead, Roman Demigod.

— CallItLife3 Report User
Good guy calvin 31 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Damn, I could use these.
Politiclash rap battle 5 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
This is so beautiful
The most effective Parenting tool in Mexican history 20 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
I always thought chancla meant sandal, but like a casual sandal.
It's actually a really cute haircut tho 26 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Guys, I'm not even kidding but this is the haircut I got at the beginning of last summer when I started to realize that guys and girls are damn fine.
I loved her so much :( 20 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
You have my condolences.
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Low key my crush is Team Cap and I'm Team Tony, I plan to see it with my friends and him. If we went to this theatre I hope to be in one of red seats next to the blue ones.
i no u all ned this 2 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Thanks fam, I needed this.
Which fandom/s are consuming your life? Mine's Supernatural! 26 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Miraculous Ladybug and Star Wars are currently killing me. Others are on the verge.
I got my heart ripped out of my chest and smashed into bits today. Here's some feels. 19 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Period buddies. Time to share ice cream and a box of tissues.
8 an awesome guy sent me this. 8 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Marry him.
I got my heart ripped out of my chest and smashed into bits today. Here's some feels. 19 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
That moment when you start crying like hell and realize it's that time of month.
Which one is your favorite Sith lord? 15 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Kyle Ren, like DavidTennant said, he has a lot of potential and can become greater. Otherwise, Darth Vader.
Today in history - Japanese Internment 39 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
There's a biography called Resistance: Challenging America's Wartime Internment Of Japanese-Americans that was made by my great grandfather Frank Seishi Emi and another group. My father got a copy signed by his grandpa (my grandfather) and some of the other authors signed it as well.
Get better soon 29 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
The last picture is slowly killing me.
Today in history - Japanese Internment 39 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
My grandma and great grandparents were imprisoned for a long time. When my great grandfather got released he made a movie and book about the internment and the impact it made on the families.
Can you split a bullet with a butter knife? 5 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
"And we're going to ask this non Japanese japanese sword expert"
Please Let's Start Doing This 19 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Damn, that means I'm about thirty selfies over due. (As in, I've read soooo many books.
Cutie fawns 2 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Dylan, just stay here friend
Wait nuu Michael stahp
I know I would 47 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
*raises hand*
I didn't spend all that time in the closet for nothing 3 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
His face tho...
8 · Edited 8 years ago
What's my name? 12 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Anybody got a couch I can crash on until I get back on my feet? 16 comments
callitlife3 · 8 years ago
Yo I'm a teen lady person and the movie was great. Definitely recommend.