Well.. I mean I understood basic division at 6 but my little sister is 10 and still struggles with it, so I'm kinda leaning towards it may be too much for 6, but then again, it's not graded if they don't get it so learning it then might be good for them
I'm 14 and I cannot remember a single thing I learn in math class. All my other subjects are fine. Doesn't mean I have dyslexia. Or maybe I do and my mom won't tell me :/... She calls it excuses and laziness
I would expect a child going into kindergarten (if they have had preschool) or a mid year kindergartner to know this. It is basic one to one correspondence
· 9 years ago
Nope, 3 to 1 correspondence. In kindergarten, you should be learning how to count. and for all those that this is easy...congratulations. But you are not the norm. Be proud of it, but don't belittle those who find it difficult. Thanks!
Yeah the curriculum is getting waaaay fucking harder, sometimes when I see the shit my lil bro is doing in second grade in glad I was born ahead. I think now at the elementary school they're making them write theyre own books now...
As a senior in highschool, I can honestly say I stopped learning actual English and grammar in about 8th grade. After that its all about archetypes and rhetoric analysis bullshit.
I think the phrasing of it is what's hard for me... or would've been hard for me as a child. Purely "9 divided by 3" is much easier to understand! And the use of the little drawing also helps!
You're all here saying that its not too hard for a 6 year old but... If I'm not mistaken at 6 (in the French school system anyways) you FUCKING LEARN TO READ. So yeah, that's steep for a 6year old.
A lot of Asian countries like korea and Japan teach their students fractions before we start teaching our kids basic math like addition and subtraction etc. If they can do it I'm pretty fucking sure we can. We common people have such a low standard for education it's kind of well..stupid.
Actually no its not too hard. Children are taught to problem solve early (or at least they should be.) If you read the question carefully, you will see that it is solvable without involving actual division. If the child puts one on each plate until they are all gone he or she will get the answer. If you've ever seen a six year old split things between a few of his or her friends, you will see that they already know how to do this. Also, without the rest of the lesson, you have no idea what the teacher did that day. The teacher may have covered putting one on each plate with visuals so the child understands this kind of question. We teach this skill in kindergarten in America or at least Florida schools do.
· 9 years ago
I teach children with intellectual delays, and that is exactly how we do division. But it takes them several years to learn this.
yeah but is this like an actual test, or just something to see what the child is capable of? its been awhile but i recall some short tests in school here and there to not just see if you needed help in areas but to see if you were beyond expectations anywhere, that's how kids get in advanced and gifted classes and schools...